4. They're B.A.P?

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Chapter 4

Emily's P.O.V(still)

An hour and a half had passed and we were still on the plane. Half an hour left till we would land in Germany.

Currently I was sat next to Lizzy in the window seat, since Lizzy didn't like seeing how high we were off the ground. I was listening to my ipod when she called me.

"Unni!"She whined. I just looked at her for a second before pulling out an earphone with a sigh.

"What?" I asked my Korean friend.

"I need to go to the toilet," she said still whining. I gave her a 'what the hell' look and simply told her, "Go then."

"But I don't want to go alone," she pouted. Awwwww! Our maknae is so cute! I sighed, who could resist her cute face. I pinched her cheek and nodded my head.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she grinned at me, like I had just saved her life.

"But...," I trailed off, teasing her a little.

Lizzy pouted again "But what?" she asked, by this time she was bouncing in her seat desperately, waiting for me to hurry up.

"Hurry! Palli! What?!" she nearly screamed.

"Calm down, calm down," I told her, placing my hands on her shoulders. The truth was, I really needed to go too but didn't want to go alone either.

I gave her a slow smile, motioning for her to get up.

Frowning, she stood up. I got up from behind the seats, then turned to Lizzy, who was still frowning. "What?" she asked confused.

"I'm going first!" I said, and with that I ran off ahead of her before she could react.

"Emily!" I heard her yell. "I want to go first!!"

I could hear her catching up behind me and people were beginning to stare at us. Lizzy was close behind now. I was almost there when suddenly she jumped on me from behind, causing us both to topple to the ground with her on top of me. Ouch! Now that hurt.

"Gerroff me." I groaned. I looked up at Lizzy, sending her a look.

She just grinned and shook her head.

"Lizzy~!" I whined, "People might be looking!!" I heard a chuckle. Oh scratch that! They were already looking, "Please?"

"Not until you let me go first."

I shook my head, "Never."

"Oh,...well ok then...I'll just stay right here." She said, changing her position on top of me, "You're very comfortable you know!" she told me, nodding her head in satisfaction.

Aish! This girl! "Fine then!" I sighed in defeat.

"Thanks unni!" She beamed; climbing off me and walked in to the bathroom without even helping me up! I glared at her back.

I groaned and pouted a little as I got up into a sitting position.

"You ok?" I heard a familiar voice behind me ask. I turned around still sitting on the ground. It was the guy from the shop. What was his name again? Oh right, Jongup. I remember now. The one with the cute smile.

"Er...hi! And yeah, I'm fine...Thank you." I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed knowing that he had seen what had just happened.

"Hi!" he smiled at me, "Emily...right?"

"Right." I nodded my head, giving him a small smile back. He turned his head around "Yah! Hyung, it's Emily!" He called.

"I know." A voice answered back. It sounded like himchan.

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