Almost Their Last Date

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Based off of PanicAtTheDisco's "The Death of a Bachelor"

Thorne was scared out of his mind. It was he and Cress's two year anniversary and she still wasn't there. They agreed to meet at the restaurant for 8:30, now it was almost 8:50. And Cress was never late.

He had the gift he hand picked for her under his chair. A charm bracelet with moon and star charms. Another gift was in the front pocket of his suit jacket. A silver ring that he'd spent months saving up for.

Every second that passed felt like years as he waited for Cress to show. His heart was pounding and he tried to think of why she was late. Maybe she was stuck in traffic. Or, she was held up at work. Then he remembered it was Saturday, and she didn't work on weekends. His heart was sinking as the minute hand on the clock by his table ticked on.

Maybe she was angry that he had to cancel their last two dates. But that was because he needed to get enough money to buy the special ring for her. He worked overtime for it, and if that's why she was mad, he'd kick himself.

One thing was for sure. He was looking like an idiot for sitting here all by himself and not eating anything. After all, it was an Italian restaurant, which had one of the greatest ratings in the state. Though he was a little hungry, he wanted Cress to show up before he took a bite out of anything.

Not another reason why Cress was late came to him. He glanced over at the clock, and it was passed 9:00. Thorne let out a mighty sigh and reached under his chair to grab Cress's gift.

So Cress was a no show, and he'd have to wait for another time to propose. "Hey, Thorne." He nearly jumped out of his seat when he heard the voice. Cress was right in front of him and he sat up, and got out of his seat.

The girl he loved was wearing a red dress with a wavy end that went passed her knees. On one side, white lace strips held the entire thing together. The straps on her shoulders made a low neck-line and showed off a crescent moon necklace. He couldn't help but think of how the necklace would match the ring he bought.

Every doubt he had was forgotten, and replaced with infinite joy. "Hey Cress." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He strode over to her chair and pulled it out for her. She smiled and sat down, though a bit nervous and hesitant. Thorne moved back to his own seat and sat down. "I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up and I couldn't come on time," she apologized.

Right through every breath, he felt almost labored and made him light headed. He was barely able to swallow his nerve and speak. "It's fine. I've been late tons of time, don't worry about it." Relieved at her reasoning, Thorne found the present he had under his chair and brought it onto the table. A small little bag with the bracelet inside. But when Cress saw the bag, she looked a little sad.

Sucking in his feelings, he smiled at her. "Happy 2 year Anniversary," he said cheerily. He handed her the bag and she took out the tissue paper. She smiled and picked up the bracelet.

How she reacted, he'd never forget. "Oh, Thorne. It's beautiful." She slid it onto her slender wrist and flashed it around to herself. Cress, even after meeting her five years ago, was still so small and fragile.

Everything the went through, and she was the same. He, on the other hand, had changed quite a bit. His face was a bit more shadowed, and he often longed for people to be around him. None more than Cress, the one and only of his life. She gave him these emotions he used to shut out. She turned him into the nervous wreck he was at that very moment. And all he could do was want her more.

Like their other anniversaries, she had a gift for him as well. She handed him a blue bag and he took it with a grin. Inside, was something he thought he'd have to wait a few more weeks for. "Star Wars Xbox edition. How did you get this?!"

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