Adorable, Smart, and Won't Say a Word

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Carswell was just starting his Senior year of high school, and was hating his teachers at the moment. Since his GPA wasn't high enough to get his diploma, his teachers were forcing him to do extra credit. And the only extra credit that would boost his grade enough, was Peer Pals.

Peer pals was a system that pairs an Upper Class-men with Freshmen to help them ease into the system. Not too many schools use it, but this school loved to accentuate that it was an annual thing here.

Now, he was sitting in the Gym waiting for him to be called up and matched with a Freshmen. Thankfully, his best friend, Cinder, was also in the program and was sitting next to him in the bleachers. It was odd that she was the only girl that wasn't throwing herself at him in the school, since he was such a babe magnet.

Cinder was called up and matched with a girl named Iris Down, not the most common of names. He waited for what seemed like an eternity before they called his name.

"Carswell?" He snapped his head and eyes away from the wall and faced the teacher, Ms. Hannigan. "You're going to have Crescent Darnel."

He stepped past all of the other teens who were bored out of their minds. It wasn't long before he got the information slip for him English teacher and walked out of the room to the Cafeteria, where the Freshmen were waiting.

On his way, he took a few glances at the sheet and frowned. There were tons of "events" that it would be mandatory for him to participate in with this person he didn't even know. He'd have to eat lunch with them certain days, and got to the library for study halls to check in.

Thorne groaned out loud. Why did graduating have to be so hard?

In the Cafeteria, there were at least a hundred Freshmen, standing around and talking too loudly. He entered, and started scanning for any girl that looked like a Crescent. But to be fair, he'd never met one before, so he didn't really know what that looked like, at all.

He saw other Upper Class-men, Cinder found Iris, with blue eyes and black hair cut short. A Junior, Winter, was talking to some guy who was only staring at her in confusion. His friend and also Senior, Kai, was explaining to some guy his scheduled.

After ten minutes of complete nothingness, he tapped a girl with green hair on the shoulder. She turned around to face him and asked, "What?"

He sighed, and hoped to all the stars above that she wasn't Crescent. "Do you know where Crescent Darnel is?"

The girl pointed to his left at a long table at the end of the room. On one end, teachers were talking about something he couldn't hear. Probably because all of the Freshmen were making such a racket. On the other side, was a really small girl reading a book. She seemed unfazed by all of the noise, but not completely ignoring it.

"Thanks," he said quickly and weaved passed all of the others in his way. A dozen other students just had to step in his way every five seconds, so it took even longer to reach her.

Once he got there, he stood about three feet away from her and waited for her to notice him. To his surprise, she didn't. She continued to read her book and didn't even give him a glance. Soon, he got bored of it and boomed, "Hey, Crescent!"

The girl squeaked and threw her book in the air. Her arms froze at her sides, and the book came down on her head. The poor girl's shoulders hunched and her ears turned bright red. Thorne, being the idiot that he was, started laughing at how she got so scared.

It took him a minute to stop laughing, and to realize the room was significantly quieter than it was before. He looked back to the Freshmen, and the half that were closest were glaring at him with faces that screamed, "What in the name of Spades is wrong with you?!"

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