C.J.T.M Part 4

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"Cress," Thorne called out.

"Thorne," Cress replied. "It's two in the morning. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he stopped leaning against the door frame and began to walk towards her bed. He sat down beside her. "Except, the fact that I can see again." A huge grin spread across his face. "You're prettier than I remembered."

"Oh," she coughed. "T-thank you." He began to inch closer to her. She could feel a surge of heat rust to her face. She mind screamed to back away, thinking that this could all be a cruel joke, but her body refused to listen. His face was centimeters apart from hers. His hands grabbed her waist and her neck, his lips closing in on her own. Finally, they kissed.

She ran her fingers up his back and through his hair. She wanted this for so long, now all she wanted was for it not to end. He pulled her down onto her back and he rested on top of her. He was crushing her, but she couldn't have cared less. She thought nothing would take this moment from her. She had no idea what was causing Thorne to act like this, but whatever it was, she would like to thank it one day.

Thorne pulled away, his face a bit flushed from the lack of oxygen. "Oh Cress," he said in a voice that could have melted the coldest heart in the universe. "Why do you have to make this so hard."

"What do you mean," now Cress was confused. "I'm not trying to force you away or anything."

"That's just it, Cress," his tone growing more unnerving. "You love me too much. And I can't even begin to understand why."

"W-what's not to understand," she asked trying to keep her composure. "You're charming, sweet, funny, handsome-" Realizing what she said, she closed her mouth, but knew its was to late to take back what she said.

"See," he slipped his hand down from her throat to his pocket. "That's why this will be a little hard for me to do." He drew his hand out of his pocket and into Cress's view. He was holding a knife. "Now don't take this personally, but for me to get my dream life, you have to go."

"What?!" this had to be a trick, she knew it was a trick.

"Queen Levanna contacted me and told me that if I got rid of you, she would give me riches beyond anything I could ever get after I got out of jail and 'started a new life'." He had a spark in his eyes, but it wasn't the one she loved. It had greed and horror for its fuel and it made him look like a monster. "I really do like you Cress," his voice going back to being tender and soft, but it changed back just as quickly. "But I like the idea of being rich more."

And with that, he closed his lips around hers to prevent her from screaming for help, and plunged the dagger into her chest. Her eyes widened with fear. She tried desperately to push him off of her, but he was too strong and heavy. He shoved the knife in deeper, causing tears to escape her eyes.

She was almost dead, she could feel it in her heart, now aching with the pain of the dagger and the fact that Thorne, her hero, was the one who put it there. Thorne finally pulled away, "It's to bad too," he brushed his hand against her now tear stained cheek. "I really like having you fawn over me all the time." And with one last breath, he pushed the dagger in deeper once more, and killed her.


Hands down, that had to be the worst nightmare Cress had ever had. Not only did she hate Thorne, he dream only reminded her of why.

Thorne had left her to die, and had been trying to get her killed from the beginning.

Now, she was lying on a bed, Thorne looming over her, disoriented and angry. So naturally, the first thing she did was punch Thorne in the face.

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