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   I couldn't believe what I saw. A young girl, around 8 maybe, huddled in the corner of the room where the camera was. "Hm? Oh, you noticed. Yeah that girl has been here for a while now. She doesn't move, eat, speak, or do anything. Heck, if I didn't no better I'd say she died." Michael explained to me. I stared at the screen, it was hard to see any clear features but it looked like she has pure white hair at shoulder length. Like a long bob. She wore a black robe that looked a bit too big for her.

   "Do you know anything about her?" I asked, if she's here then she must be infected. But she doesn't look mutated in any way.

   "Not much, she was donated here by her father, she hasn't moved or talked willingly, and we actually haven't found much out even after all the testing we've done." Michael continues talking while he works. I keep looking at the monitor, she looks so young. And donated!? Who donates their kid!? I shake the thought out of my head and start working.

   A few hours later, a light bell chimes through the building. "Lunch time!" Michael rushes out the door excitedly.  Alex rolls his eyes and follows Michael more slowly. I grab the lunch I made from home and was about to walk out the door when something caught my eye. The girl on the monitor wasn't there anymore. I stared for a few seconds then went to the lunch room. I sat down next to Michael and Alex. For some reason, I can't get my mind off that girl, or....whatever she is. "Hello, Earth to Otacon!" Michael waves a hand in front of my face.

   "Huh!? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking...." I scratch my neck nervously as I pick at my food.

   "You're thinking about that girl aren't you?" Michael snickers, "If you're so curious, why don't you sign up for an appointment with her."

   "Uh well... I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious but, aren't they dangerous?" I want to be carful but, I can't seem to stop thinking about her.

   "Well, normally but this one hasn't harmed anyone. She doesn't resist at all and has basically no emotion." Michael leans back in his chair and crosses his arms behind his head. "Best of luck to you."

   After lunch I talked to the guards stationed outside her door, they let me in and I stood in the room for a moment. She didn't move at all when the door closed. I slowly started making my way towards her, when I reached the corner she was huddled in. I looked down at her, she didn't move. I leaned against the wall and sat down next to her. I looked at her, she didn't look back. The black robe she was wearing was definitely to big for her. It covered her arms at least an inch past her hands, the robe also pooled around her on the floor. It had a hood but was just dangling loosely. Every single part of her body was covered except her head. Speaking of, her hair was pure white, not a trace of any other color. I quickly realized I was staring at her and turned away. We sat quietly next to each other. I wanted to get to know her better but... she seemed lost in though, her eyes were distance and has a blank look on her face. I sighed and looked over at her, for a second I thought I saw her looking at me. Uh, oh, I got to go. I  hate to leave her but I get up and walk out of the room.

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