First Appointment

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   It was my first appointment with that girl and I wanted to try to at least get a name out of her. I felt anxious to see her again, despite being infected she seemed so cute and innocent. I smiled at the thought as I pulled up to the building. I was scheduled to meet her at 10a.m every day. As I entered the building I went to the labs and greeted Michael, "Where's Alex?" I asked. Alex wasn't in the room as usual.

"He went to get coffee from the break room, why?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Just curious, it doesn't seem like him to be late to work." Michael laughed.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyway, set up an appointment with that girl?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah I did. The first meeting is today." I smiled at the thought and walked to my work table. Looking over at the monitor the girl was in the same position as ever. I was so excited and nervous I wished time would hurry up so it was 10.

When the clock read 9:45 I got up from my chair and headed for the door. Walking to the elevator and pressing 5 I waited patiently then walked out and headed down a corridor until I reached her room. The guards let me past and I entered. Same position as always. "Hello!" I said as cheerfully as I could. I got no response but proceeded to sit next to her like last time. She didn't look at me and kept that blank look on her face. I shifted a little, it was a bit uncomfortable sitting in the silence. "My name's Otacon," I told her," I'll be visiting you daily." I wanted to make her feel safe around me for some reason. No reaction. I began thinking, how long has she been here? I was told she was donated so does that me she missed out on her childhood? I felt a sharp pain of sorrow take control of me. This poor girl, sitting here all alone with no one to comfort her or someone to talk to. I felt tears in my eyes thinking about it. I saw her eyes quickly glance over at me. I wiped my eyes and smiled at her. "Must be lonely here, huh? I'm sorry..." I stared at the floor. Am I making her uncomfortable? Should I leave? Each appointment is an hour and thirty minutes. I haven't even been here for fifteen. Her expression seemed to soften and she looked sad herself now. I did the only thing I could think of doing to make her happy. I hugged her. I wrapped my arms around her and held on just enough for both of my arms to make contact with her. I could feel her stiffen at the sudden touch, but I didn't let go. I wonder if anyone else hugged her before. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt her body relax a bit but she was still tense and didn't move. After a few more seconds I let go and looked at her. She was turned facing me but I probably moved her. She didn't meet my eyes, she only looked at the ground but I saw a slight curve on her lips. I think she was smiling.

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