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The next day I walked into work feeling a little down. I can't get my mind off that girl, she seemed so sad and uncomfortable. I sighed as I walked into my work space and said hello to Alex and Michael. I sat by the monitor so I can watch the girl and work at the same time. I noticed her room's door opened and she was dragged away by another scientist. I almost jumped out off my chair to help her but I realized that she wasn't struggling. I watched intently as the door closed and the room was now empty. After about 10 minutes the door opened again and the girl was thrown in the room. She lied there for a second then curled into a ball and went to her corner. I couldn't stop thinking about what she might be feeling, she looked so sad.... "Why are you so curious about that girl?" Michael asked me. I jumped a bit as I was lost in thought then quickly snapped back to reality.

   "I don't know, she just.... seems lonely I guess." I responded. Michael thought for a moment.

   "You could sign up to be her personal doctor, it's a lot of hard work but if you're so curious then you should." Michael smiled a me and got back to work. Personal doctor....

   A few hours later I did some research on  personal patient during my break. Apparently, a personal doctor visits his/her patient everyday for check ups, once before lunch and once after. During those times any other workers can't disrupt the appointment unless authorized by the said doctor. I thought for a moment and checked her record. No one had signed up to be her doctor, you can have 3 at a time, and she seemed to be a mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded by riddles. Almost nothing was known about her. I filled out the necessary paper work and was accepted to be her doctor. I was happy but nervous, I knew nothing about this girl. What if she was dangerous?

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