In The Future And In The Past

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  • Dedicated to Dylan James

                                                                 13 years later

“Come on mum! Tell us! Please?” Maisey begged.

“Go on! Don’t make it all gooey though!” shuddered Malik.

“Was it romantic? Was it love at first sight?” dreamed Maisey.

“I’ve always wondered how you and dad got together, tell me and the kids can’t you?” asked Ivy.

“If you want the story ask your dad.” Just as I predicted the little twins ran off into the kitchen and started pestering Drake.

“Mum how did you and Dad meet?” Ivy asked curiously.

“I’ll tell you in good time sweetheart, now shouldn’t you be getting ready for school?”

When I finally had some time to myself, I tried to find the blonde who was bugging me. He was in the dog team, so I wondered over to their campsite and ran into the man who was against Sam in the race.

“Oi! You! You’re from the cat team! What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to talk to someone. Tall, blonde, long hair the one I drew against?”

“Oh, well I’m sorry. You can never trust people these days, they are all cheaters. But you want to see Drake? Well he should be the first door on your left.” He suggested giving me a few hand actions as well.

“Thank you for your assistance.” I replied politely before hurrying off. I didn’t have much time my team would notice I was gone soon. When I saw the door I knocked twice before entering. As I walked in the first thing I noticed was that there was a couch unoccupied facing me. The second thing was a chair by a desk which was occupied. Mr. Blondie turned around and grinned when he saw me.

“Well if it ain’t Mrs. Clark. I was wondering when you were gonna come looking for me.” I was utterly shocked at his behaviour. “You ain’t gonna catch much with that pretty mouth of yours like that, you know.”

“How.... how ..... dare you! What is wrong with you?! How do you know me? And who are you?” I stuttered.

“So she does have a voice! And a very pretty one at that. Well apart from a bit of sweat, nothin’. And who doesn’t know the famous Charlie Clark? Last of all I am-“ He stood up and bowed slightly “Drake Scott- James, at your service.”

“Do you think you’re funny?” I demanded.

“Well not particularly, no.”

“What is the matter with you? What was with you on the field?”

“Now that’s a story for another time.” He winked again.

“You plan on doing this again?” I asked worriedly.

“Of course I do, baby. Now excuse me I have another race to attend to.” He flashed me a smile before leaving the room. For a moment I was frozen. Who was this man? Did he treat everyone like this? And why was it bothering me so much? Sure there were idiots nowadays but why was he different?

Just as I heard him talking to someone outside, something struck me. I ran after him like a mad woman and man was that boy surprised to see me again.

“A question. Why did you call me Mrs. Clark?”

“Another time Sweetie, oh and here’s my card. If you want to contact me for any reason.” And again he winked. This time I let it go and walked back to my team.

“Where the hell have you been?! The next activity starts in 2 minutes!” screamed Floss.

“It’s okay, relax. What’s the activity?”

“You and a team member from another team have to play rugby, we picked you because your fast and good at dodging, okay?” answered Meg.

“What team are we pairing with?” I felt sick. I knew the words before they even came out of her mouth.

“We’re playing with the dog team.” Mrs. H had just killed me with that one sentence.

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