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"We are playing with the Dog team." Mrs.H had just killed me with that one sentence.

With that one sentence she had given me some kind of feeling inside, it felt oddly familiar but still unknown. Of course I might be playing against someone else in the dog team. But I knew fate didn’t like me very much. So deep down I knew it was going to be him. It was going to be Drake. But part of me liked it and part of me didn’t. Was it possible I might actually like him? Not that way but might I want him to be my friend? No, I didn’t he was rude and obnoxious.

Whilst I was mentally and physically preparing for the next activity, Sam came over to me.

“Just checked. Your teaming up with the blonde you drew with, blonde, tall, fit and cute?” she informed me.

 “He is not cute.” I spat.

“That’s what you think.” And with that she walked off.

I mentally groaned, what’s wrong with me? Anyway, I had to focus on the game. Whatever it was I had to forget about it. Concentrate.

I marched on to the field and took my place. I was a nervous wreck by the time he casually strolled on to the field. When he saw me he grinned and then looked serious.

As soon as I was in hearing distance he said, “I love to mess with you, but now concentrate, it was unprofessional for me to what I did earlier- although I can’t say I’m sorry for it- but if you screw up, we both lose. So forget the feeling you have for now and then you can have a crush on me later, just work together.” And then instead of a grin a smirk was plastered on to his face.

For the fifth time this evening again I was speechless. Each time it was because of him! I did not have a crush on him!

Before I could scream or hit him the ref called us over to explain the rules. It was pretty basic, pass the ball backwards, tackle, and score a try. As every pair was man with man, the ref thought we had a disadvantage, so he gave us the ball first! I was happy and very annoyed.

So as soon as the whistle was blown, I was hurtling down the pitch as fast as I could. Only Drake could keep up. He was aware of this too and started smiling. What a smile! His teeth were perfect and his mouth was just the right shape to look adorable. It was so different from the mocking grin or smirk that was usually on his dreamy face. Wait what?! The game, the game, the game. Whilst I was distracted the other team tried to tackle me, luckily I passed the ball to Drake before I was thrown to the ground. Once the lump of a man was off of me, I shot towards Drake where he was about to score a try and he did! I soon caught him up and gave him a hug, I was lost in the moment and then I realised the awkwardness of the situation.

“ Ummm. Well done, I guess.” I said to try and erase the awkward silence. As quickly as I could I dropped my arms and ran towards the pitch.

This time two big, burly men started off. Once the whistle was blown they started pelting it down the field. But they weren’t too fast. So I and Drake soon caught them up. Magically we came up with a plan, I don’t know how, since we were quite far apart. But we decided we were going to let the other teams tackle each other until we thought it the right time to swoop in and steal the ball. We watched team after team being tackled – of course we were pretending to join in- and as soon as two fit-ish men had the ball, Drake ran past them grabbed the ball out of their hands and ran! They were surprised to say the least!

That’s my man! Wait what?! I mentally slapped myself and took up a place behind Drake. Someone was coming up fast but Drake didn’t realise.

“Drake!” I screamed. “Pass the ball!” I though he wasn’t. I though he didn’t trust me enough yet. But he threw the ball to me as soon as the words were out of my mouth. “Thanks.” I replied as I sprinted down the field. And another try to our team!

Basically, the game carried on that way until it finished. Of course the other teams scored points but we won by far. We played until sweat was dripping from us and when the bell rung I was glad. Once I was at the Cat’s tent. Floss, Sam and Meg were the first people I saw. They came over and squeezed me, so I couldn’t breathe.

“Well done!” They were all saying. If I thought that was bad, the rest of the team’s praising was overwhelming. Next the coach came out.

“You did us proud girl. Play like that all the time, we’ll be fine.” That’s a big compliment from Mrs. H.

I must admit I enjoyed that match. But the thoughts I kept getting were disturbing. Were they true? Did I want them to be true? Why were they there?

I know it's short I'm so sorry!!! Got a lot going on!

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