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S o n g o f i n s p i r a t i o n - in the groove - chimes at midnight

Her long black hair was wet and oily as it stuck to her blood splattered skin.
The chains rattled as she walked, the torn and bloody clothes hanging from her small frame.
Her grey eyes cold and hateful. Her bare feet stung against the cool marble floor and the sound of her long claw-like finger nails clicking against the shakles around her wrists bounced off the walls, unnerving the guards holding her chains.
She is a monster. And she'll always will be.
The guards shoved her eagerly into the cell, attaching either chain to the walls opposite from each other, including her feet. For extra precaution they added an inwardly spiked collar around her neck, clicking the lock shut.
She watched as they left and the glowing yellow barrier forming to keep her in, and to keep others out. As she focused her eyes on what is beyond the barrier her crazed eyes locked onto a man with raven black hair. His forest green attire contrasting against his paper white skin. She envied his perfection. His sickly perfect skin. His deep emerald green eyes.

The infamous Loki Laufeyson

He smirked, watching her as she did him. Observing how she moved with her restraints, how her breathing seemed almost non existent.
Her skin slightly tanned and her dark hair like his cascading in long waves over her small shoulders, caked in what he presumed was blood, if it wasn't already stuck to her bloody skin. Her eyes almost seemed white if it wasn't for the slight hint of grey at the edges. with her dilated pupils maked her seem over the edge, crazy. Insane even.
His ears picked up on the sound of her clicking her nails again on her shackles, making a sort of beat. He watched as her lips moved.

"Chimes at midnight, will you come and play ?,"

Her voice was soft and quiet, while it sounded menacing, the evil luring his mind in like she was some sort of siren.

"You can hide, but, if you run away,"

The corners of her lips quirked up a small bit, showing her sharp canines and blood stained teeth.

"I will find you, I will come and find you
I will find you, I will come and find you,"

She shifted her chains, making her eerie song stand out that much more, capturing the attention of other fellow prisoners.

"Something wicked, singing in the wind
Devil dances, waiting to begin,"

The only objects in her cell being a small table with various fruits on it and a empty goblet, lifted off the ground, hovering in the air.

"Hear it calling, hear how it whispers
I will find you, I will come and find you,"

At the last lines of her song, the objects flew into the walls, smashing, letting splinters fly from the small broken table. She then burst end into a quiet chuckle, sending shivers up the other prisoners spines. Placing fear in the deepest part of their hearts.
Even Loki felt a little chill run down his spine. Scratch that. She is insane.
But nothing could prepare loki of what happens next.
He watched as guards led in more criminals, placing one in her cell. She looked up at the creature that invaded her cell, and when the gaurd left she grinned at her new cell mate, staring him dead in the eyes.
"What are you looking at ?," the cell mate spat at her, his face going from pure irritation to pure fear as she tugged at her restraints, breaking the chains bounding her an she stood.

"I-it's ok.. I-I-I won't hurt you,"

She pounced on him before he could even react, sinking her long sharp teeth into his jugular, ripping it clean off and spitting it out onto the floor. He choked and gurgled as he struggled to breathe with the gaping hole in his throat.
She rested his head on her lap as she stroked his cheek with her bloodied hand
"Your safe now~ ," she mumbles.
She watches as the life slips away from the criminal in her lap as her grin stayed plastered on her face. She then looked up at Loki'sslightly wide eyes.
She licked her lips an grinned evily at him, tilting her head to the side.

"I will come and find you,"

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