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The earth shook underneath your feet as explosion after explosion rang through the building. Tears ran down your face as you ran for your life, trying not to fall or get crushed by falling Debree.
It's not like you have a family or friends that'll miss you if you die, but you know that you can't give up on yourself.
You dive outside onto the road as the entrance collapses behind you, evidently scraping your arms and legs, blood dripping off of the fresh wounds.
Nit long after you somewhat caught your breath you saw aliens running at you.
Panicked, you stood and ran in the opposite direction, ignoring the stinging pain in your limbs.
All you heard was your frantic heartbeat and labored breathing as your ears rung from the constant explosions.

You felt a searing pain shoot up from your leg and you collapse again, noticing that you were shot.
Screaming in pain you roll onto your back an open your eyes, seeing the same alien leaning over you, aiming at you.
Before you could shield yourself you feel the Same pain erupt in your chest, screaming out once more.

You hear something collide with the alien above you and you open your eyes again to see a flash of green slicing the aliens head clean off as It lay on the ground. The same flash of green kneels beside you as you let out pained breaths.

"Mortal, stay with me," the person says, applying pressure on your chest wound.
"Oh for the sake of Odin please stay alive,"
Your recognize the strangers voice, it is loki. Loki had been sent back to earth after his trial in Asgard. He learnt from his mistakes and became part of the avengers to give back to the people of earth to show that he's changed. The Chitauri had found him like they promised, to get they're revenge for his past failure to rule our planet.
You believed he had changed for the better since you two spent a lot of time together. You ran into loki when he was in your favorite coffee shop, and ever since then you two were inseparable.

"Y/n please, just stay with me," loki cried out as he tried to pick you up, but stopped as you screamed out in agony, coughing up blood. "L-loki..," you croaked out, opening your eyes to look into his as he pulled you close "I'm n-not gunna m-make I-it am I-I ?...,"
"Didn't say that, don't you dare say that, your not dying on me Y/n it's not your time yet," you notice how his eyes water and his bottom lip tremble as he struggles to heal you "DAMN THIS ! DAMN IT ALL TO HEL !!," he yells.
He's already used most of his magic and strength fending off chitauri that he doesn't have enough to heal you as urgently as you need it.
You cry out in more agony as the pain worsens and you feel yourself get weaker, so you muster up all the energy you have left and lift your hand to Lokis cheek, wiping away the fallen tears, leaving a bloody smudge across it.
"I-I'm sorry... I-I l-love you l-loki.. ," you choke out, your breathing uneven and labored.
"No.. Please.. ,"
More tears stream down his face as he desperately tries to stop the bleeding.
"Please don't leave me," he whimpers out as he watches the life disappear from your eyes.
He feels your hand slip from his cheek an watches at it falls at your side, his eyes going wide as you let out one last labored breath.
"Y/n ?..," he pulls you closer.
" Y/N ?!," he shakes you gently "NOOO !!! Y/N PLEASE !! PLEASE JUST OPEN YOUR EYES !!,"

All the chitauri fall to the ground, everything going quiet. The avengers had won. But loki was far from happy.
Slowly one by one starting with Thor, the avengers find a bloodied and defeated loki lying on the ground wailing, holding you close to himself.
"Please.. Darling.. Open your eyes... Please... Don't leave me... I-I love you too Y/n... Wake up...,"

Thor is the first one to step forward and rest a big hand on his brothers shoulder, leaning down.
"I'm sorry brother..," Thor says softly, finding his own eyes tearing up at his brothers heartbreaking sight.
"No... I'm sorry... I should've stayed with her.. I should've told her I loved her before all this started....,"

Loki pulls your face closer to his as gently kisses you, as he wipes a stray hair out of your face
"I love you so much y/n...,"
He buries his head into the crook of your neck an morns you, failing to notice you wounds healing themselves and your skin returning to it's normal colour. Slowly your heart starts beating again and you open your eyes as you take a steady breath in.
Lokis heart wrenching sorrow had healed you, the huge surge of magic making you immortal.
Loki looks up at your face "y-y/n ?.. ,"
You smile at him
"I'm not going anywhere.. ," you say as you kiss him back with all you have.

Everyone cheers an Thors laughter is the loudest among them.
He was happy to see his brother would get his happy ending after all.

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