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Thor passed a glance at his brother as they cantered on to the Bifrost. Their horses rumbling like thunder on the rainbow bridge with every stride.
Thor was particularly nervous, especially since they were going back to the same realm Loki attempted to rule. But, Thor did indeed have a good feeling in his gut that Loki would change for the better.
There were a lot of great people on Midgard, he was sure they'd eventually grow on Loki. Especially Lady Meg. She was kind, a lot like mother, but she also had a rather entertaining dark side.

Soon enough Thor and Loki pull their horses to a halt and dismount, heading inside the Bifrost.
"You ready, brother ?" Thor asks, noticing his fidgeting.
"Yes, I'm fine. Can we just hurry up ?" Loki replies, anxiety bubbling in his chest.
He felt guilty about what he'd done to Midgard, but he knew the only way to fix things was to go back and help. He didn't like to help and lower his self esteem for mere mortals, but, he was just going to have to.

"Remeber that if you choose to return I cannot open the Bifrost if any dangers lurk close by, for the safety of Asgaurd. Farewell and enjoy yourselves in Midgard" heimdell says to the two brothers. He smiles as he sends them off into their new world.


Meg P.O.V

You shrugged on your forest green jeans as you thought about what you were going to do today. You needed to prepare lunch with pepper for Thors return with his brother Loki.
Pulling your grey singlet over your head you head over to your little 5 year old sisters room in the tower helping her into her little outfit.

Everyone thought you were Rina's mother and you practically were, considering that your parents both passed away in an accident when Rina was 3. Ever since, you have been your sisters mother figure.
"Meggie, can we go ride the horsies today ?" Rina asks.
"We'd have to see Hun, Thor and his brother are coming today and their staying in the tower. Maybe we could go later this afternoon if they wanna come"
Rina's face lights up "uncle Thors coming ?!"
"Yeah sweety" Meg finds herself smiling happily at her little sister joy as she finished braiding her long hair into a fishtail.

"Okay, now let's go start on the food" Meg says, picking up her sister and heading to the kitchen.

--- time skip -----

Soon enough Rina and Meg were dancing and singing around the kitchen with pepper to the sound system in the kitchen playing 'rock n roll' by avril lavinge.
Everything was in cooking in the oven as they jumped around, their joyed voices laughing and singing. Soon the rest if the avengers piled in, some dancing with while the others sat an observed happily, laughing and singing along.

They never noticed Thor arriving with his brother trailing behind him until Rina screamed out in happiness as she rushed over to Thor, Thor picking her up in his arms an laughed, playing with her.
Tony told JARVIS to turn the sound down as everyone greeted eachother.
"Lady Meg, this is Loki my brother, Loki this is lady Meg"
I noticed Loki trailing his eyes across all my tattoos on my chest and arms.

"Hey Loki" you said as you smiled at him
"Lady Meg" he greeted, unsure of what to think of the inked art on your skin "may I ask what are those on your skin ?"
"Oh these are called tattoos, they're like ink drawings on my skin, they stay there permanently" you said as you ran your fingers subconsciously over one on your left arm.

That whole afternoon you spent eating with everyone and explaining Rina to Loki and how you weren't her biological mother. Loki was an interesting person to you and you felt an instant connection to him.
Not like you minded, like, damn. That man is hot as all hell.


So what do you guys think ? This is all I could come up with for now but I'm thinking of doing a part 2 ? Tell me in the comments what you'd like to see happen.

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