Chapter 2

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The Marionette gazed at the little thing resting on her finger. "Butterfly?" She questioned, not really sure if that's what it was called.

"Kira!" The call of her name caused the marionette to look up then downward. There she saw the face of her creator. "Mama?"

"Would you like to join me? It's tea time."
Cocking her head to the side Kira repeated,"Tea time?"
The little butterfly flutters away just as Kira leaps down. Landing gracefully on the ground.
"Gah! Kira why aren't you wearing shoes?"

"Oh dear..." Kagami made a worried expression.
Seeing this the marionette frowns,"I'm sorry."
"Eh? Oh don't be sorry dear. It's my fault I didn't remind you." She smiled at her. 

Kira merely blinked several times at her mother before asking.
"Mama, a bug with wings is called a butterfly right?"
"Well that insect that was resting on your finger was a butterfly."
"So all bugs with wings are butterflies?"

"Well not should I explain this.."
"Hmm?" Kira's questioning look caused Kagami to think harder. 
"Wait a second..Kira how did you know what a butterfly looked like?" Kagami recalls this was the marionette's first outing.

Kira gazes at the ground. "I don't know...I can recall memories but...they aren't mine..." Her gaze goes to the sky. "There was a meadow...there were many flowers... winged bugs fluttered to and fro.." Kagami's eyes widened as she continued. "The moonlight was so bright...there was also singing..Mama, who's memories are these? They're not mine, so why do I--"

Unable to finish her sentence, Kira was pulled into a tight embrace. 
Her mother's body seemed to tremble as her hold tightened. Kira felt something in her mother's heart that confused her. She felt Kagami's warm tears trickle against her back.

"Mama what's wrong?" Kira urges for a reply.
"...Kira...please...please don't bring up these memories you time you'll forget them..alright.."
"Alright." She didn't question her for she didn't know what was the matter. Nor did she know what to do in this type of situation. Still the marionette is unable to comprehend several strong emotion. 

These emotions caused great pain that echoed throughout her body. However, pain was something she too couldn't truly comprehend yet, for she still was an empty vessel. Memories seem to be a substitute for a heart that she was not born with. With that said, the marionette's strong attachment to Kagami is not only because she created her. 

It's due to the linked memories between them from a certain person who is greatly treasured by Kagami. Lingering feelings, memories, and magic(soul splitting) brought the marionette to life. All these things gave her life but...left her feeling empty. Sure she felt some type of comfort or happiness with Kagami, her 'mother' but it wasn't enough to fill the void.


In the tea room that sat facing each other. Kira mimicked Kagami's every move at the table. Each action from delicately eating little snack sandwiches to carefully sipping chamomile tea. Once getting familiar to the ways of 'tea time' Kira carried off on her own without flaw. Settling down her tea cup, Kagami smiled at the sight of her marionette finishing a sandwich. "You learn fast my dear."

The was a glimmer in Kira's eyes. She seems to have felt a positive wave of emotion resonate throughout her own body. Kagami could see that she was happy to have been praised but has trouble expressing it. "Thank you Mama." In return, Kagami gave a close-eyed smile which made Kira's eyes waver before she closed them to take another sip of her tea.

That smile seemed to have triggered a painful memory. Unlike the rest, this memory
Placing her tea cup down she rose her head. "Mama."
"Hmm?" She looks to her daughter before settling her own cup down. "Yes dear."
"What is it like to have a heart?"

Her brows furrowed at the sudden question.
"Well..a heart has a song that echoes around to keep the body moving.."
"Then...why do I not have a heart?"
"....Kira." Kagami straightens herself. 

"Sweetie, there are many types of living being whom hearts' take on different forms." Placing a hand over her own chest,"For humans, they are naturally born with hearts. Angels and Demons have their own hearts from birth right as well..However beings like you and I must have severed heart fragments..."

"Severed heart fragments? Mama what is that?"
"...We unnatural beings may only come to be if an angel or a demon severs a part of their own heart and give it to us."
"Did you do that for me?"

"..I am afraid I couldn't....In order for a separation of a heart to exist, the angel or demon must have a strong connection..."
"A strong connection?"
" you know why you have a striking resemblance to me?"

The marionette blinked several times before shaking her head no. Taking in a deep breath then exhaling, Kagami continued to speak. "In order to sustain your body I had to substitute a heart with strong feelings of..." Kagami's eyes were hazy as she strains herself to continue,"..your grandmother..she was the one who had split a piece of her own heart to give me life."

With a distant look in her eyes kept speaking. 
"Once the heart has been split, a being like me will soon have a complete heart with the help of the sharer." Kira felt that questioning any further about her grandmother would only pain her mama so she instead says, "I see...Mama...what will it take for me to have a heart?"

Kagami's eyes went wide as her daughter continued.
"For some reason I feel that the source of my life will not last forever...."The harsh truth crashed down on Kagami. She knew that one day Kira would stop functioning once those memories disappear. She merely didn't want to be reminded of this.

Rising from her seat startles Kira but unable to show any surprise. Clenching her fists Kagami vanished in place with no trace left behind. Kira noticed the dead flowers in the vase nearest to Kagami's chair. A strong negative emotion still lingered. Frowning Kira muttered aloud,"I must have said something wrong..."

Origins: A Flower's SongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang