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When I was still a little girl, I remember promising to my dad about how I would behave like a good girl and how I would never disobey him or my mother. He promised me the same too, but as time passed by, I realised all of those stupid promises made were only nothing but white lies.

One day, I lingered around my nightstand, waiting for my father like how good girls should be. I waited and waited, hoping to hear the faint roaring of my father's car engine. But to my suprise, he never came back.

The next morning, I saw a yellow post-it on the refrigerator that says,

Goodbye, my dear Yeonhee. Never wait for me, because I left. Remember, I love you. And I always will.

-love, daddy.

I crumpled the note and tossed it into the trashcan as tears streamed down uncontrollably. My mother never cried, because she knew everything.

Everything without telling me. My father has been wandering out alot the few days before he left. Turns out he spent his time with his new family and abandoned me and my mother.

I locked myself in my room for almost a week, barely ate and never talked to anyone. My mother changed alot too. She kept drinking and she wasn't anywhere near being sober. My mother turned into a monster and before I even knew it, she didn't care. That was what shocked me the most, she stopped caring. Like how my dad did to me. And I knew from that day, I had to shut everyone out as soon as possible.

I changed, and I grew up too. But I changed into a very bad girl. I wasn't the good Yeonhee that everyone knew anymore. I am extremely dangerous.

And surely, I am definitely the one that you should stay away from. But hey, you've just heard a part of my dreadful story. Bear with me, because I can't even bear with myself.

I am the one and only,

Kim Yeonhee.

The one that's full of rage and evil,

The one that's full of badness.

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