chapter two

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a/n :

he looks so adorable in the picture ^  can i please have a kim taehyung in my life ♡


I slammed the door open and the strong smell of alcohol invaded my nostrils as I gagged and scrunched up my nose.

My mom has been drinking again.

I picked up the bottles of soju lying on the carpet and the broken shards of the bottle and threw it away, the glass created cuts on my fingers, but they didn't hurt me physically. For some reasons, they sliced my already broken heart.

You can't really wake up from a hang over without puking so here I am cleaning the floor that has puke all over. Even at the sight of it makes me gag. I felt my stomach churned as I cleaned up the remaining spots.

I skidded upstairs only to hear faint moanings from the master's bedroom. It was surely one of the men my mom has been bringing back home every day. I feel warm tears on my cheeks as I listened to the faint moanings.

Sometimes, I'm jealous of the man. How could he had gained such love from my mother while I couldn't? I want to experience the love of a mother too.

And what happened to dad? Isn't he the one that mom had always loved?

Sobbing, I sat near the door, hugging my knees and felt my knees wet with my tears. I felt asleep until I felt a kick on my side, and I woke up to a messy looking mother.

"Why the fuck are you sleeping outside? Did you eavesdrop, you bitch?" She chortled and I flinched at her rapid cursing.

She didn't even ask me why did I ditch school, and yet, she's more concerned about me eavesdropping over her dirty business.

"No." I replied sternly and stood up, fixing my skirt and walked past her, only to gain a slap.

"How dare you? I am your mother and how dare you walk past me without even letting me finish?" She raised her voice and I glared at her.

"Who said you're my mother? Who the fuck? Are you really the mommy I knew 10 years ago? If you were, why were you drinking day and night and making love to different guys every day and not to mention, if you are really my mother, why are you abusing me?" I swallowed my tears and stormed off, slamming my bedroom door.

I heard a faint chuckle from my mom,

"Ungrateful bitch."

And with that, I screamed and cried into my pillow.

At the age of 8, I learnt to not depend on people as they will eventually leave you, just like my father. I hated every second of my life after he left, it's like he ripped apart a piece of my heart and sew it back together, only a piece missing. And he took the piece along with him. I grew up without a father, and without a mother. Eventhough, my mother never left, she wasn't herself, and it's exactly like she left. Sometimes I wonder, why do these things happen so suddenly to such people like myself? I hadn't expected any of this.

After he left, I assumed he broke his promise, was which to never leave my mother and I, and I decided the same too. Why become a good girl when nobody will respect you anyway? Those shards of memories will never be placed together the same again.

As I stared at the reflection in the bathroom mirror, I wonder how did the young and cheerful Yeonhee turned into such a bitch and a monster? A part of myself told me that it was not my father's fault while the other half told the opposite.

At the end of the day, I was devastated and sad. The old memories came flooding back and I cried to sleep eventhough I knew I would wake up with puffy eyes and swollen faces.


I was staring at the green leaves and the trees at our school garden as the teacher continued on rambling about some Maths shit that I didn't give a fuck about.

The eerie silence is brought down when a deep voice interrupted along with a hard knock on the wooden door.

"Um, hello?" The latter's deep voice echoed and almost everyone shifted their attention towards him. Girls were starting to drool over him as he had such defined looks. I stared at him and acknowledged him before continuing to zone out.

He had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, it's like they held stars in them. He's gorgeous and tall, not to mention he's lean too.

"Oh, you're the new transfer student aren't you?" Our teacher swiftly asked him and he nodded rapidly, appealing his cute shiny eyes. Girls started squealing and he just smiled back, his smile is so weird. They form a rectangular box and his white pearly teeth just shined, I guess. (a/n ; i suck at explaining smiles, forgive meh )

"Ah, I see. Introduce yourself, please." She gestured the boy to the middle of the class and he bowed very weirdly, making everyone chuckle and admiring him more. Everyone laughed except me, how could one be so happy like that? Doesn't he has problems? As a reminder, I tried being as carefree as I could before but I failed.

And the sight of happy people makes me sick.

"Hello! My name is Kim Taehyung, I am a transfer from Daegu, but you can call me V," He did a peace sign and the guys clapped while the girls blushed while squealing. He's cute, but he really looks dumb it makes me want to punch him square in the face.

"Now, let's see, ah! There's an empty spot at the back," The teacher eyed the table beside me and I immediately cringed.


"Your seatmate for the whole semester will be Kim Yeonhee. Enjoy!" The sarcastic tone in her voice is so appealing I rolled my eyes.

But this V guy, he just smiled. As if he couldn't sense the bad aura around me and he just sat down with ease before turning his head at me and chuckled.

He smiled and took out his hand which I assumed that he wanted a handshake.

There's a voice telling me that I really needed that handshake, but I decided otherwise.

"Hey. I'm bad news, and you don't want to know me." I just smirked but it immediately dropped down when he grabbed my hand and connected it with his, before saying something I would never expect to hear in my life.

"Hello, bad news, I'm V. But you're really nice, how could that be?" He frowned and he shook our hands and I immediately let go while my eyes went wide before turning my attention towards the trees. I felt my cheeks burning but I ignored it, but suprisingly, those trees can't distract me.

I felt happy for a second after being sad for a very long time. And this boy did it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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