chapter one

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< picture of our cute patootie Taehyung in media > ♡


As I made my way near the main school entrance, the students gave me glares and some kept their heads down, feeling scared to spare a look for me. I never liked this aura surrounding me, as if I'm bad news. I don't hate it either. I'm tired being the good girl that I used to be. I'm exhausted of it all.

Students cleared up paths for me when I walked in with my uniform skirt shorter than usual and I didn't button up the last two buttons near my collarbone, exposing them. I wanted to break the school rules in every way possible. You would probably think, why are the students even scared of a girl? A normal girl?

Well, I'm not normal.

A few of the playboys hooking up with girls near the lockers stared at me as I passed by, and wolf whistled. I sent them a death glare and they immediately took their eyes off me and finished what they 'started '.

I'm late again, as expected. The teacher doesn't give more than two fucks so she just passed me the detention slip and I yawned, heading to my seat which is near the window. My classmates would bribe others to exchange seats with them just so they won't have to be dealing with the aura around me.  The pitiful tension.

"Hey. Give me your workbook, I came late." I kicked the seat infront of me which belongs to a nerdy kid with large round glasses and I snorted at the sight.

"S-Sure. H-here y-you go." He stuttered as his hands were trembling and he had this terrified look in his eyes. I felt hurt for a second, seeing that everybody treats me like a madman or a psycho.

I didn't bother to mutter a thank you as I went circling and writing the answers all over the space provided on the pages. He looked very relieved that I didn't tear his poor workbook to shreds.

I slumped in my seat again and I rested my head on my left hand, immediately feeling drowsy. Darkness engulfed me as I drifted off to sleep, not caring about the world around me.

When I woke up, nobody was in the class anymore. I looked up and glanced at the watch only to find out that I slept until recess and nobody bothered to move a muscle in waking me up from my sleep. And damn, I was extremely hungry. I barely ate anything for breakfast considering that my mom passed out in the morning. And I had no time to cook, so here I am, sipping the contents of a strawberry milk carton.

I watched as the football team played on the left side of our school field while the volleyball team played on the right side.

It's nice, huh? Being acknowledged for who you really are. I would love to join the volleyball team, but they consist of plastics and fakes so that changed my mind for a second. And besides, would they even bother letting me join since I am the famous 'bad news' everyone is talking about.

A loud scoff broke the silence in the classroom and I looked at the prefect who is standing infront of the classroom door.

"You're not allowed here during recess." She sternly said and I snickered. "Wouldn't it be more trouble if I went down? What do you think will happen?" I smiled at her and beads of sweat formed around her forehead.


"Just let me off, this once." I smirked and she sighed before nodding and backed away. This is how much of an effect I am at this school.

When recess ended, I quickly scrambled to my locker as there weren't anyone lingering around the locker area at this hour. When I opened the door, there were curses written all over the doors and my notebooks.

I laughed as I saw what it wrote on my favourite notebook,

'Arrogant Bitch.'

'Selfish slut.'

I really don't get the concept of hate. You would actually hate someone behind their backs, but when it comes to confronting them, you go all scared and you're becoming a pussy.

Ironic, huh?

Truthfully, I knew who written these dumbshits all over my locker because I heard faint shuffling at the hallways as I was about to walk to my locker. Turns out it was the school's biggest nerd, Kwang Mi.

I didn't have the urge to go and beat the shit out of her so I just let her pass, since I went through these kind of stuff alot. But I felt stares burning into my back. Pretty sure the nerd is still watching over me.

Pretending to head back to class, I swiftly walked pass the corridor and turned around, only to see a shadow peeking at me. I smiled and pulled her outside near the collar.

"Nice handwriting by the way," I smirked and she stuttered and started crying.

"I-It wasn't m-my i-intent-tion, I w-was f-forced! Soo Bin told me t-to do i-it! P-please l-let me g-go!" She pleaded and I raised an eyebrow, Soo Bin? I'm pretty sure I've heard that name before.

"Say, is this Soo Bin shit the one that posted my video online and it went viral? Is she the one?" I asked and she vigorously nodded.

"Y-yes! She told me to write curses all over your locker and notebooks! I-it wasn't my i-intention to!" She looked down and fiddled with the sleeves of her vest.

"Why are you betraying your friend by spilling out her intentions? Seriously? You're a bitch," I spat at her face and she looked dumbfounded, before running away.

I hate the ones that betray their own friends. I know that Soo Bin is nowhere close to being friends with a nerd like Kwang Mi, but surely they were atleast acquaintences. I rolled my eyes as I watch her trip a few steps.

By the looks of it, I'm ditching the rest of the day. I don't really ditch, but if I had my own reasons, I'll just call it a day and go back home. And I'm skipping detention, it's not like the teachers would care anyway, they're hardly even there.

And my reason for today is, I'm pissed.

Really pissed.

badness || taehyungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ