Chapter One

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|Harry's P.O.V.|
"Bye," I say to Ron and my other co-workers before apparating home.
Finally Christmas. I say hello to Ginny before I ask where our kids are.

"Vacation now eh? Well, James should be in his room, he has time-out because he teased Al, who is currently reading. And Lily, I don't know, I think she might be drawing." I kiss her before she continues.

"You can tell James that his time-out is over when dinner's ready."

"Okay," I say and give her another kiss, on the cheek this time.

Before I first check the living room, where I find Albus, my youngest son, likes to be called Al, and Lily, my over-all youngest daughter, sitting at the table and drawing. I see a book laying on the couch and assume that Al read before Lily probably asked him to draw with her. I say hello, and both look up and at the same time they get up and sprint over to hug me.

"Are you free from work now daddy?" Lily asks me.

"Yes Lily, no more work until James has gone back to Hogwarts." She sighs.

"But that's only...." She stops herself to count.

"Three weeks Lils, I think we can do pretty much on all that time, don't you?" She smiles before Al tells me that James was teasing him earlier.

"Yeah, I heard that, he's on time-out now though, isn't he?" He nods and asks if I can draw with them before dinner.

"Sure, I'm just gonna talk to James for a bit, okay?"

"Okay." He nods.

I walk upstairs and knock on James' door and hear a "go away".

"Really James?" I say so that he can hear it's me.

"Fine, if that's what you want," I say, but stay.

"No, wait!" He open his door and is about to run when he sees me.

"Dad! Do you have vacation now too?" I laugh slightly.

"Yes James. No more work until..."

"I've gone back to Hogwarts?" He interrupt me.

"Yes, how'd you know?" I ask.

"I can hear pretty much everything that says in the kitchen and living room if I open the ventilation a bit," He say with a grin. I laugh and ruffle his hair and go out of his room, but turn around in the door.

"I guess you heard that you have time-out until dinner then?"

"Yeah, but when's dinner? I'm hungry." I mumble a "of course you are" before I tell him that his mother just started to make dinner when I got home.

"So maybe half an hour, an hour?" He sighs and takes his homework. I gasp theatrically and say

"James, are you sick?" He looks at me weird.

"What? No, why?"

"The you I know would never do his homework voluntarily." He roll his eyes and stick his tounge out at me as I laugh.

"Dad! You coming or not?" I hear Lily shout from the living room.

"Coming Lils," I say as I walk downstairs.

I sit down in between her and Al as we proceed to draw until my wife shouts and that's when we hear James run down the stairs and into the kitchen. Al and Lily giggle and I smile as we sit down at the kitchen table.

The lights return •HP ff• (not continued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن