Chapter Five

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The man hurriedly marched through the ministry, down to the second level, and into Head-Auror Potters office.

"Potter," he panted. "Is it true? The owl, my son, I came as quick- is it true Potter?"

"Amos, please sit down, take it easy." Harry guided him to the chair. "I know you might be fidgety right now, but you need to calm down, okay?"

Amos Diggory nodded, and sat down, but impaitiently waiting for the news.

"Now," Harry sat down, looking at Amos. "What have you heard?"

"What?" Amos was bewildered. "Shouldn't you jus-"

Harry gave him a look.

"Oh right," he cleared his throat. "I got an owl from here, the Aurors office that is, saying you had news ab- about my- my son, C-Cedric? Then I heard rumours about him being alive, at first I thought they were crazy, but then I re-remembered. Your parents. James and Lily. So please, Po- Harry... Please tell me that the rumours are true, please tell me my son is back." Amos sadly looked down at the floor.

"Amos, once upon a time, I had went through something horrible, but at the same time very nice I guess... I had just seen one of my class- well, school-mates being brutally killed, but then I saw," Harry corrected himself. "Then I thought I saw some people, that were dead. When I got back home, a wise old man told me that "no spell can reawaken the dead" nor anything else. But," Harry stopped, watched the man in front of him, and threw him a small smile, even though Amos didn't look at him. "It seems like he was wrong."

Amos looked up.

"You," he stuttered. "You mean-?"

"First my parents. Now him. It was true, the rumours are true. Cedric is, somehow, alive and well. Would you like to meet him?"

"Yes!" Amos quickly stood up, ready to go meet his son, twenty year after he died. "Wh-where is he?"

Amos gulped, because now, as he was standing outside the door of the interrogation room, he felt like fainting or throwing up. Possibly both. It was crazy. He was going to meet his son. He should be happy! But on the other side, he hadn't met his son in the last twenty years, because his son, his Cedric, his only child, died those twenty years ago. That wasn't happening everyday for everyone. Cautiously he opened the door, and before he even stepped inside, he saw the young man standing by the window, but turned around as he heard the door open.

"Dad?" Cedric carefully took a step towards his father. "Is that you?"

Amos felt his heart drop, and tears cloud his eyesight.

"Cedric?" The older man took a couple of steps towards his formerly-dead son, who nodded. "Is it really you?"

The father and son came closer and closer to each other, step by step, until they flung themselves into a hug, breaking into tears.

"Ho-how long?" Cedric choked out after a minute of silence. "How long was I gone? Everything is s-so dif-different."

"It's currently 2015, Ced." His father told him quietly. "It's been twenty years."


When the two Diggory's had talked through the most important things that had happened and changed since the cup, they decided to go back home.

"Y'know," Amos started. "Your mother and I never touched your room, not once in all of these years. It should be exactly the way you left it."

"But," Cedric smiled. "Perhaps a bit more dustier than then, right?"

The lights return •HP ff• (not continued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن