Chapter Two

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I just re-read the first chapter and saw that I'd already introduced Harry's family... but I'ma make him do it again, so James & Lily can see who's who :)
With out further ado( is that what you say??), LET'S READ!
|Harry's P.O.V.|
Just before I walked in through the door, I turned around towards my parents and told them to wait just a moment. I walked in and shouted

"I'm home!" Ginny came out and asked what I wanted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, with a mix between confusion and nervousness.

"Well, you have never shouted "I'm home" before, so what is it?"

"Uh, I want you to meet my parents."


"I know, but it's them. Don't you think we've had them tested?" She sighed.

"Ofcourse you have, it's not like you just see someone looking like them and say "oh look there's my parents!" Right?"

I chuckled.

"Right." I turned around and told my parents that they could come in. I heard Ginny gasp.

"Uh, hi?" James said while scratching his neck.

"Wow, you're alive... Harry, this is great!" I smiled at her, thankful that she took it so good.

"Dad, I..." James came in to the hall, stopping himself when he saw the older James and Lily.

"Uh, hi?" With a smirk I turned to my dad.

"James, meet James." Dad smiled and my son just looked confused. James came up behind me and asked

"Who are they?" I told him to go into the living room and then I once again turned to my parents.

"Oh James, he looks just like you!" Mom said.

"Ready to meet your grandkids?" I asked. They smiled and nodded. Together we walked down to the living room where I, once again, told them to wait a minute. I went inside and Lily came running towards me before jumping so I had to catch her. Ginny walked up to me and told me she had told the kids that "grandma and grandpa" was coming.

"Granny! Gramps! When are they coming? When are they coming?" Lily asked me.

"It's not Granny and Gramps, Lily, go sit down and I'll let them in, okay?" She looked confused, but nodded and sat down in Ginnys lap on the couch.

|(the older) James' P.O.V.|
Harry came out after almost exactly a minute and told us the kids had got to know that their grandparents where coming, but that they had suspected Ginny's parents to come. We walked in and saw a red headed girl, about six or seven years old, sitting in Ginny's knee, and then we saw the boy from earlier, James?, and another blackheaded boy that looked like a mini-Harry nagging about something. Harry cleared his throat and the boys stopped and turned to face us. Their faces were priceless.

"Uh..." The older began.

"Dad..? Who are they?"

"I thought you said that Grandma and Grandpa was supposed to come?" The younger brother said. Harry smiled.

"Boys.." He looked towards the young girl on Ginny's lap.

"And girl. This is your grandma and grandpa. On my side."



"HOW?" The three kids were speechless.

The lights return •HP ff• (not continued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora