Chapter 1

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August 22nd
Kingsley POV
I just woke up in my crib. I stand up and start to whine as I realize my diaper is wet. Soon after I see mommy at the door. I make grabby hands for her. She smiles while picking me up.
"Hi princess,did you sleep well?"
I nod my head and whine again.
"What's wrong baby do you need a diaper change?"
I blush"wes"
"Ok baby lets get you changed and dressed"
Camila's POV
I changed her diaper and put her in a frilly purple tutu and crop top that says baby girl on the front and Kingsley on the back with her purple Jordan's. Once I'm done I look at my beautiful baby girl. "Come on baby lets go wake up momma" she smile at me."otay" I put her on her feet holding both her hands to help her walk. Once we get to my room I put her on the bed. She crawls to her momma and gets on top of her. Then slobbers all over her cheek giggling
Lauren's POV
I wake up to someone slobbering on my cheek. I smile knowing who that could be I open my eye and see none other than Kingsley smiling down at me "Hewwo momma"

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