Meeting Miya

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She sat in her family room, her mac laptop sitting beside her playing soft music. She hummed along to the notes and sang to the words in a soft beautiful voice. She herself was beautiful. Bright Green eyes, natural ruby red coloured hair and full lips that always seemed to be pursed into a pout.

The room was empty and the soft light fell onto every surface filling the room with a sense of calmness. She looked at the time, 3:45 am. Her two room mates had long fallen asleep but they would be upset if they woke and found the house still a mess from the night before. It was Miya's turn to clean the after party mess.

Miya Got up, turned off the TV and walked slowly into the kitchen. Dishes lay astray on counters and on the island sauce spills from Rachels reckless cooking. With a sigh she began putting dishes into the washer and cleaning off the counters.

She walked over to her computer and began to type in the next song that would please her ears when she noticed her phone light up with a message. Her best friend of eleven years Alec's  named popped onto the screen.

*Alec: Hey mimi you awake?? :)

*Miya: No im asleep :p

*Alec: Well if you don't wake up i wont tell you the great news!

*Miya: IM AWAKE! tell me!

*Alec: You Know that band you love so much??

*Miya: Marianas trench??

*Alec: Yeah well i got you meet and greet tix for their show this friday!

*Miya: What?! Thats insane! Thank you, Thank you!!!

She Threw her Phone onto the couch and almost screamed but remembering her sleeping family and quickly covered her mouth. Tears fled to her eyes. 

*Miya: Wait, how did you get tix? and why wait till now? its almost 4:30!

*Alec: My moms co workers daughter has a little bit of a crush on me and she gave them to me when she found out they are going on a fam vacay

*Alec: and i forgot about them until i looked in my backpack

Miya couldn't help but be overwhelmed with joy and later that morning fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Meeting MiyaWhere stories live. Discover now