Part 8

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Hey sorry for not updating. I've really busy so yeah. Enjoy
Niki's dress/\
//~2 weeks later~\\

Nicole's POV

There is a spring dance at school this week and the girls are sooo excited, me not so much. For one I can't dance, and secondly I don't have a date sooo.......yah. Only Kat and Dani have dates though. Today we are going dress shopping. Yaay. Note my sarcasm.

Earlier, when I woke up from my amazing sleep, that was rudely interrupted by a phone call from the evil Dani. Just kidding, she's not evil.😈. Anyways, as I was saying, earlier I was peacefully going through Twitter, when I heard a car honk. I look out the window and guess who I saw. Correct. I saw Dani walking up to my porch. I ran to the door and opened it like a normal person would. "Were you waiting for me? And why are you still in your pajamas." She asked with a smirk. I chuckled and shook my head. "For one, I just woke up. And two, I came to answer the door really fast because I wanted to kill you for waking me up." I said with an evil grin. Her face went from her smirk at me to looking terrified. "Nah. I'm kidding." She let a breath of relief out and walked into my house. I closed the door (obviously) and followed her to the kitchen.

"Sooo....." I trailed off

"You need to be more excited!" Dani exclaimed. I looked at her in confusion. Then I realised-" We're going dress shopping!!! Remember?" Dammit. I thought. "I don't even want to go. I don't have a date either so what's the point of me going again? Oh right there isn't one." I said frustrated.

" Too bad. Your coming." I groaned. I stomped up stairs after saying 'let me get ready'

Soon after, i was walking out of my bed room door wearing light washed, ripped skinny jeans, a white cami, and a hot pink sweat shirt that said 'nerd' on the front. I put on my big hoop earrings and my necklace I got from my mom before she died. Sad sad memories. I slipped on my hot pink, high tops and my big black framed glasses. I grabbed my purse, phone, and money, and walked down stairs. Dani was waiting on the couch when I came down. I decided it would be fun to scare the living day lights out of her, because I'm that nice.


"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Jesus, Nik, you scared me!!" "That's what was aiming for" she rolled her eyes and stood up from the floor she fell on when I scared her. " ok let's a go" i looked at her and she was looking at me weirdly. "What?" I asked "Really, did you just say that?" " Of course I did" and we walked out the door.


We were all at the mall, in a store that sells dresses. I don't even know name of it. Thats how much I pay attention. "You know I would rather just go in my jeans and a T-shirt. It's not like I'm trying to impress someone" I say.

"You could try to impress Treeeevor." Dani dragged on. I rolled my eyes. "Not likely. We're just friends." I stated. She nodded her head while saying sarcastically "surrrrrre".

"OMG!!! NIKI GET IVER HERE NOW!!!!!! I found the perfect dress"" Blake screeched. I almost jumped out of my skin, like Jesus. I walked over to Blake who, by the way, was staring intensely at a beautiful lace red dress. It was tight at the top and then flowy at the bottom. It went about mid thigh, and it was just plain beautiful. It wasn't too blingy or anything like that. It was perfect. I stared at it in awe as she pushed me into a change room to change into it.

Hen I finished putting it on I looked so pretty

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Hen I finished putting it on I looked so pretty. I felt beautiful. "Nik! Come out we want to see!!!" Dani exclaimed "I look terrible." I lied

"I bet you 100 bucks that you'll look gorgeous." I blushed at that. I walked out of the fitting room where Dani, Kat, and Blake were sitting. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They all looked up and Dani gasped. "I know ilook horrible." Dani shook her head so fast I thought it was going to fly off. "You don't look horrible nor do you look terrible. You stunning." Blake and Kat nodded in agreement. "Ok I'll get this one." They all squealed in excitement.


Today was the day of the spring dance. I was nervous to say the least. I didn't have a date, didn't know how to dance, and I'm a very awkward person. Dani got asked to the dance by a random guy that apparently she had crush on. His name is Parker Bishop. The star quarterback of the schools football team. He had light grey eyes with specks if blue in them. He had dark brown hair and his was built to perfection. I'm pretty he has a six pack. No wonder she had a crush on him. He's hot.

We enter the schools gym and it's pretty crowded. Us girls plus Parker and Derek (Kats date) walked to where the tables were.

The whole night was going great until that incident happened.


I was sitting at he table with Blake because Dani and Kat went to dance with their dates. The door to the gym opens and in strolls the person I used to love. The person who break my heart and threw it into a pot of lava. There stands Jeremy. My eyes widened in horror as he started to walk towards us. My heart was pumping really fast. I started taking deep breaths because right now, in the middle of the spring dance, I was having a panic attack.

Blake looked at me with a concerned look on her face. I stood up and headed to the bathroom, but before I could do so, a strong hand was gripped around my wrist.

"Let go." I muttered and tried to squirm out of his grip.

"Not until you let me explain." He said. Should I let him explain? I mean, he sounds so sincere. The only reason I fell for him is because he was so sweet and kind. He would comfort me when I needed comforting. He cared for me when I was sick. He gave me space when I needed it. And then he cheated on me with the girl I hat most, Roselyn. Her stupid bleach blonde hair, huge and bright green eyes, the way her 6'' heels clicked on the floor.

"Why don't you go back to fcking Roselyn and her fcking minions, because I'm fcking done ok? I'm fcking done With you and your stupid apologies. We're over, do you not get that!?! You said you fcking loved me, and the very next day you cheat on me. Go back to fcking Melbourne! And leave me alone. I moved here to start anew. Away from you and everyone else." As I was saying all of this I noticed there was a big crowd around us. " why are here anyways? Hmm? I didn't fcking invite you, why are you here.?" I asked.

"I'm here because i want to apologize. I was an as*hole, I know. I shouldn't have done that ok? I'm so very sorry. Please forgive me?" I scoffed and thought for a moment.


"Wait really?"



So I don't know what to do with this story anymore. Plz read my other story though. It's called a trip of a life time.



Be awesome ppl!

~ kayd

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