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Melanie's POV

"Thank you so much for coming out I love you stay strong!" I said as the light dimmed

I walked off stage and high five mostly every one insight, I walked back to the dressing room and showered and put on my clothes I had on before, this time I put on My sweater

I got my bag and packed my stuff back up and put my bag across me and put my hair in a messy bun.

Once I was done I got on my Segway and started to ride back to the bus

I got there and stopped by the bus and opened the big door on the side and but my Segway in their.

I went in the bus and went to my room and put my stuff away and cleaned up

Lou came and sat on my bed



She turned on the tv and started to pick.
We ended up watching Ted, it was really funny, I went on my laptop and went on Insta

Justin bieber commented on your photo

I looked at it and seen it

"Beaut 😍" I just shrugged it off and looked at other people's Insta

I got board and put it away, I lied down and took off the sweater and covered up,

Lou fell a sleep and I took my fluffy blanket

I then fell asleep.

2 weeks later

"MEL WAKE UP!" Some one yelled

I went under the covers and tired to sleep more

"Fine" they said and left

It was Eric .

We just finished the tour and I wanted sleep. We were going to L.A for a little meet and greet for this school that signed up for a contest.

I was reallllly tired.

"we're gonna be there in about 1 hour" Eric said

"Ok I'm up" I sighed

I stayed there for a couple minutes and got up, I showered and got ready

I was wearing black shorts and a camo mussel tank with white sneakers and my hair tied in a messy bun

I went to sit on the couch and Eric looked at me

"Your wearing that?" He said

"Duh don't you see it on me?" I said back

He put his hands up in defence and I lied down.

The bus stopped after a while and we got out. I took my brown cross bag purse thing and went,

We were at the school and the principal took us to the gym and we got set up.

We went behind the little black curtain as people started to come,

I did a bit of vocal warm ups and sang quiet even thou the Kids were a bit loud,

The principal started to speak and he called me out

People screamed and clapped, I looked around and smiled, I started to play a few songs and then the meet and greet.


"Hi Taylor" I smiled

"You know me?!" She looked at me shocked

"Of course, I follow you on Instagram how could I not" I chuckled

"Oh, can I take a picture with you" she asked

"Sure" I said

"Ok keep the line moving please" Eric said

She hugged me and left.

After the meet and great we went back on the bus and went to a hotel since I was getting tired and I felt bad for Dan.

We checked In and went to the room, it was a sweet, I dropped my stuff and changed into lose shorts and a baggy shirt and climbed into bed, I started to fall asleep.

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