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Mel's POV

"What about you and Kyle?" I asked splashing my feet in the water as we laid on the floaty. He shrugged "we were dating but i don't know what the fuck happened but that girl is kinda complicated. I mean most of my niggas say she's sketchy but I don't know man it's complicated." He said playing with his Kylie tattoo I nodded

"Well girls are complicated but you just have to understand that we go through things and it's hard and she's busy with her app and meetings or photoshoots." I say and he nodded "ya your right, thanks my nigga" he said and I chuckled. He side hugged me and we jamp in. I reached the surface and stared to swim a little. I was a little to far from the yacht and I just floated on my back and relaxed.

"SHAAARRK!!" They all yelled I looked around me and seen a black figure in the water and I swam as fast as I could to the yacht but I didn't know if I could make it. Like I said I wasn't the best swimmer and I looked back and it was close by me and I went under water and got tired and tried to reach the surface but I gasped for air and water came through my nose and mouth.

I started choking and tried swimming fast but I couldn't breath properly. I felt someone's arms rap around me and my vision went blurry. I was put on a hard ground and my vision cleared. They were surrounding me and Justin was sitting on the side of the yacht and looking at the water. I seen.

"He rescued you, he seen you struggling and the shark was only about 5 feet away from you so he jumped in and saved you." Hailey said I let a tear slip and I got up off the ground and wrapped a towel around me and grabbed another one. I went by him and wrapped him in one. "It touched me, but I kicked it away from us" he said in a low whisper. I let the tears fall and so did he. I hugged him from behind and kissed his neck. "Thank you." I said and he looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "You could've died. And I would've had to live with that for the rest of my life." He said and I shook my head. "But I didn't." I said and kissed his lips. He didn't kiss back so I pulled away. I rolled my eyes and walked away

I tanned and thought about him, us. Are we gonna break up? I thought. I cried a bit and just laid there, the boat started moving and that meant we were going back. About 20 minutes later we got back to the dock and got off. I cleaned up and threw my stuff in the garbage and the others took the left over beers and food. Me and Justin walked back to the hotel and he was walking slow so I just let him and walked away

I arrived at the hotel and walked to my bungalow. Brianna and baby were there and she was playing with Freddie. "I need to talk to you about something." She said serious. I nodded and grabbed a water and sat down and nodded. "Well Louis is with someone else and I don't want him around Freddie when he's with her. I think I'm gonna take him to court. Get child support, or just keep Freddie away from him." She said

My eyes widened and I just sat there shocked and kinda mad "Brianna you can't keep Louis away from his own baby! And why would you take him to court with CHILD SUPPORT!?? HE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! HE BOUGHT YOU A FRICKEN HOUSE AND THINGS FOR THE BABY WHAT MORE CAN YOU FUCKING POSSIBLY WANT?!!" I yelled  "he gives you so much and yet your asking for more? He's busy to and can't always be here but he tries and he's tired. Leave him." I said serious and walked out.

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