Chapter 8 Part 1

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Thank you to Kaixeverlark for the ideas in this chapter

Adrian's POV

I wake up at 5 in the morning and Ella throws up on the bed and herself. Poor baby. And she's crying her eyes out

"It's okay Ella, let's get you to mommy" I tell Ella then pick her up and take her to mom's room

"Mommy, wake up" I say and mommy opens her eyes. "Ella is sick. She woke up and puked on the crib and herself" I add

Demi takes a crying Ella out of my arms

"Poor baby" Demi says trying to sooth Ella

Demi's POV

"You can go back to sleep Addie, you can sleep on my bed till I get your crib clean" I tell her

"Okay mommy" Addie says then lays down on my bed

I feel Ella's head and she's burning up. I go to wake up our nanny (A/N she lives with them. She's a 27/7 nanny. And her name is Julie) to ask her to watch Adrian and to make her breakfast. And that there's bottles of breast milk in the refrigerator

I get to Julie's room. I go in and go to her bed

"Julie" I say while gently shaking her. She wakes up

"Can you watch Adrian for me while I take Ella to the doctors? She's been throwing up" I ask Julie

"Of course I can. Poor baby" Julie says and rubs Ella's back

"Thank you. Make her breakfast please and give her a bottle, there are bottles of breast milk in the refrigerator" I tell Julie. She nods

"She's sleeping in my bed right now, because her crib needs to be cleaned" I tell Julie

"Okay. I'll clean the crib then get some more sleep until Addie wakes up" Julie tells me

"Thank you" I tell her

"No problem" Julie says

I leave the house after changing Ella's diaper and clothes. I bring something to put over her so she doesn't puke on her clothes. I grab a bottle from the refrigerator just in case she wants it. I go out and put Ella in her car seat, I buckle her up then get in the driver's seat and buckle up. I then drive to the hospital

Adrian's POV

I wake up 3 hours later and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Julie is sitting at the table

"Where's mommy" I ask Julie

"She took Ella to see the doctor. I thought she'd be back by now" Julie tells me

"Oh okay. Do you think Ella is okay" I ask

"I'm sure she's fine sweetie. What would you like for breakfast" Julie asks me

"Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon please" I say

Julie nods and puts me in my high chair. She then goes and gets put the ingredients for pancakes and some bacon. She starts cooking the pancakes first. After she gets 2 made she makes 2 pieces of bacon. Once she's done, she gets out 2 plates and puts one pancake on each plate, then she puts one piece of bacon on each plate. She cuts up my pancake then hands me my plate and gets me a bottle out of the refrigerator and heats it up then she hands it to me

"Thank you" I tell Julie

"Your welcome sweetie" Julie says then sits down with her own plate and starts eating

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