Chapter 3

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This chapter may be shitty so I'm sorry if it is. The pic in the media is Adrian and Ella

Demi's POV

I took these special pills that will make me produce milk so I will be breastfeeding the girls soon

It's 8 in the morning and I am still laying in bed waiting for the girls to wake up

I get out of bed and go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes and bacon. I get the ingredients for the pancakes and the bacon out. I start cooking

*Skip To After The Foods Done*

The food is done so I go to the girls room. They are still sleeping peacefully. I gently shake them

"Wake up girls its time for breakfast" I tell the girls

Ella sits up slowly. But Adrian doesn't

"Hi mommy" Ella tells me with a smile

"Hi baby girl. Did you sleep good" I ask Ella as I pick her up

"Yes mommy" Ella tells me

I lay her on the changing table and take her sleeper off. I then get a clean diaper, wipes and baby powder out. I undo Ella's diaper and wipe her then throw the dirty diaper in the trash. I then slip a fresh diaper under her bottom then pull the tabs up taping the diaper shut. I put a cute pink dress on her and put her hair in pig tails. I put her down and tell her to wait for me to get Adrian ready so we can eat breakfast. I wake Adrian up, change her diaper and put a cute outfit on her. I then take the girls to the kitchen and sit them in their high chairs and feed them breakfast

After the girls get done eating Ella goes and plays in her play room. I sit cuddling Adrian as she watches Dragon Tails

"Mommy milky please" Adrian asks me

"Okay Addie. Your going to breastfeed and drink mommy's milky okay" I tell Adrian

"Otay mommy but I no know how to drink mommy's milk" Adrian tells me

"Mommy will help you baby girl" I tell Adrian

I undo my bra and help Adrian latch on my breast. She starts suckling

"There you go Addie, you are drinking mommy's milk" I tell Adrian smiling. She keeps suckling

Once she gets done and unlatches from my boob. I put a binky in her mouth


Sorry this chapter is shitty and short. If anyone has any ideas for this story please let me know because I can't think of what to write. Comment and Vote please!

- Bridget

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