Chapter 2

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Ella will be treated like a baby also. Like she will wear diapers and drink a bottle and stuff like that. But this chapter is going to be about Adrian

Enjoy the chapter! ☺

Demi's POV

It's been a few weeks sense I adopted the girls and its been an awesome few weeks. I have a feeling Adrian wants to do age play but I'm not sure if I'm right. I need to talk to her about it. I find her texting or something on her new iPhone 6 I bought her. I sit by her on the couch

"Adrian I want to talk to you about something" I tell Adrian. She puts her phone in her lap and looks at me

"What do you want to talk about" Adrian asks me

"You know what age play is right" I ask Adrian

"Umm yes. Why do you ask that" Adrian asks me looking a little nervous

"Do you want to do it? I have a feeling you have wanted to" I tell Adrian

Adrian's POV

Demi just asked me if I wanted to do age play! How did she know I wanted to?!

"Ummm well yes I kinda do" I tell Demi blushing

"I thought so and don't be embarrassed Addie some people like this kind of stuff" Demi tells me

"Okay.... So are we going to do age play" I ask Demi

"Yes we definitely can if you want to" Demi tells me. I smile and nod

"Okay we need to go to the store and get some stuff for it like baby bottles, pacifiers, diapers, milk, an adult crib, changing table, high chair and some baby clothes in your size" Demi tells me

"Okay" I tell Demi

"Another thing will you feel comfortable calling me mommy" Demi asks me

"Yes I think I will" I tell Demi

"Okay we will go to the store when Ella wakes up from her nap" Demi tells me. I nod

"Will the crib be big enough for both Ella and I to sleep in" I ask Demi

"Yes. It will be a full size adult crib" Demi tells me and I nod

*Skip To After They Get Home From The Store*

We just got back home from the store getting all the stuff. The crib, changing table and high chair are going to be delivered in a few hours

"Adrian lay down on the floor please and I can put a diaper on you and you will start acting like a baby now" mommy tells me. I'm going to start talking like a baby now

"Otay mommy" I tell mommy and lay down on the floor. I'm pretty excited about this

Demi's POV

Adrian lays down on the floor. I take her pants and panties off. I lift her legs up and put a diaper under it. I put her legs back down and put the tabs on it closed. I put a cute onesie I got her on her then put a binky in her mouth. I stand up and pick her up

"There we go now you can be my baby girl. You go potty in your diaper now so you have to tell me when you go so I can change you" I tell Addie

I sit on the couch and cuddle Adrian

*A Few Hours Later*

"Mommy milky" Addie tells me. I sit her on the couch and go in the kitchen. I grab a bottle and pour milk in it. I worm it up then go back in and sit on the couch

I lay Addie in my lap and feed her the bottle

Once she gets done eating the bottle I replace the bottle with a binky and cuddle both Addie and Ella

"I love you both" I tell the girls

"I wuve you too mommy" Addie tells me

"I wuve you too mommy" Ella tells me

"Mommy wet" Addie tells me

I put Ella on the couch

"Mommy will be right baby girl" I tell Ella then go to their room where the furniture has already been delivered and set up

I put Addie on the changing table and grab one of her diapers. I unsnap her onesie and change her wet diaper for a fresh one. I snap her onesie closed then pick her up and go back. I then cuddle both my baby's. This is a great feeling


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- ❤ Bridget

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