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"Where are you Gen... where are you? " I muttered under my breath, it has been almost half and hour already.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled for her number.

"This number is no longer in use, please try again later. " the person on the line spoke in a very monotonous tone, I groaned and hit onto the metal bar at the bustop with my palm, "darn it. " .

"Are you Min Suga? "A guy in suit approached me ,"yea, why? " I replied him.

"Can you please come down with me to our office, our boss wants to see you. " he told me and my mind was racing, "boss? " I asked.

"Yes now don't talk so much, he would like to have a collaboration with you, he is now at the office waiting. " he says and hence I just casually dropped Gen a message, telling her to call me when she sees it, then I followed him into a car.

"May I know what company are you from? " I asked him as he took the driver 's seat.

"Oh we are a architecture company. "He told me but I didnt believe him.

"On a second though, hang on, can you pull over here? I'm not meeting your boss. "I told him politely but he didn't care, instead, with his left hand, he fumbled and found a syringe, "shut up. " he points it towards my exposed arm and without hesistating, he pokes it into my skin.

The liquid then went into my arm, travelling throughout my entire body, I felt numb, I couldn't move except for moving my mouth.

"What is that?! " I exclaimed.

"To prevent you from escaping . Sir needs you to be prisoned." He smirks at me and put on thick black, opaque sunglasses.



"Do you miss me? " I heard a deep booming voice, my eyelids opened and I saw the person I have least expected to, and the person that I hate the most.

"You. "I spoke.

"Bastard. " I continued and just eyed him and watch his every move. He inches closer to me as I backed away slowly , moving backwards without looking.

Suddenly my body got flung up into the ceiling and im now upside down, hanging from a chandelier, like a bat.

"Welcome to my world. "He chuckles and i just struggled, "not cool man, not cool! Let me go! " I shouted at him but he ignored what I've requested him to do.

"Do you perhaps... miss Genevieve? "He took out a blade and wiped it off with a white cloth, I could see the tip of the blade being sharpened, like he just did it recently, on purpose,perhaps to kill someone.

"What did you do to her?! Is that why she's not at the bustop that I was suppose to meet her at?! Where Is she?! " I struggled and demanded him for straight answers but he did not say a single word.

"Come in Genevieve."Taehyung said and a girl... a very familiar girl came in, "Gen? " I asked.

Taehyung swiftly threw the blade and it sliced of the girl 's neck, I watched in horror as the girl's head roll down onto the floor, directly below me, but there wasn't any blood.

My eyes got watery as it stung me, "what did she do to deserve this?! " I screamed at him, he just killed my best friend, "Gen! " I continued screaming like a mad man, flooded with tears, I squirmed under the firm grip of rope that was attached to my leg.

"Move more and you will die, just like that innocent girl. "Taehyung smirked and honestly I would want to kill him right now.

"Taehyung , where are you???" I heard another girl's voice, my eyes widened and my jaws dropped, what is going on here?

"There is 2 Gen(s) ?!But... but... how?! Are my eyes playing tricks on me?! Wasn't that...Gen who got chopped off, how -why -" I exclaimed and was very clueless.

Hearing me ,the girl look up, "oh my god Suga Oppa what are you doing up there?! Taehyung, get him down now, please! I will stay here with you, just let him go! He's innocent!" I watch as Genevieve begged Taehyung who seemed really reluctant to let me go.

I felt the rope loosening and immediately, I fell to the ground,luckily i landed on something soft, feathery , actually. Looking down, I saw a pile of grey... what do you call that?

It was grey ashes.

"Why are there ashes? " I asked Taehyung, giving him eye contact but he just shrugged, "that's the deceased girl 's ashes, duh. " I shuddered and immediately leaped off the ashes as I dusted myself.

I looked around the room and saw that the head was gone too, even the body , did it just disappear by itself.

"Noe that ive let him go , so are you going to stay with me ,Gen jagiya?" I heard Taehyung say but i immediately objected.

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