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"No one is staying here with you Taehyung. Gen, let's go. " Suga oppa spoke with harshness in his tone, I felt the atmosphere thicken as Taehyung just let out a evil laughter, "do you think you... Suga boy , can stop me?"

"Shes mine." I felt a sharp object poking around my neck and i gulped, feeling the sharp blade pressing against my skin harder this time .

"Run oppa... dont worry about me !" I screamed when i felt a cut on my neck ,"oops?" Taehyung just laughed .

He leans in and licked my wound, "mom said that drinking human blood is good for the body. " he says it like a 3 year old child, with that kiddy yet innocent looking face, who knew that that was just a appearance that he could use fool me?

I just moaned when I felt his tongue doing works on the wound, it slithers around the cut.

"Grab him !" He commanded and 2 other boys came running out of no where , it was those 2 of the other girl's boyfriends , Seokjin and Namjoon.

They grabbed Suga oppa and then he got tasered, I watched him fall onto the ground helplessly.

His eyes met mine and I could see tears rolling down those brown orbs, "uljimah. " I told him and bit my lips when my waist got spun closer , now I was basically in contact with Taehyung, side by side.

He ruffles my hair and just laughed again, "your so cute. "

"I love you. " he continues but I gave him a glare, "I love myself too. "

He looked stunned by my comeback but it quickly got replaced by a smirk, " how would it be like... if your oppa gets mind controlled by me? "

His free hand was toying around a micro chip and he tossed it to the taller one, Namjoon.

"You know what to do. " Taehyung says with his deep voice and Namjoon immediately went to work.

I watch how they used knife to cut open a slit for Suga on his wrist and slowly yet harshly, he jerks the micro chip up into his flesh which earned a groan and hiss from Suga oppa who was still on the ground.

Seokjin then started taking needle and thread as he carefully poked it through Suga oppa 's skin , there was a pattern, a zigzag. "Isn't he great? He has mom qualities, amazing cook, great at threading too. " Taehyung whispers into my ears which sends tingle down my spine.

When the chip was installed, Namjoon gave him a thumps up and Taehyung just said a word, "choke " .

My eyes widened and stood there frozen , "suga oppa! " I screamed and tried to run away from Taehyung 's grasp which I successfully did.

I knelt down beside the figure on the ground and tried to push his hands away from his throat. "He's going to choke himself to death, Taehyung this is not funny at all! " I screamed at him and could only see the help and desperateness that showed in Suga 's eyes.

"Miane. Miane , I brought these to you. Its all my fault. " I cursed myself and started slapping myself, "I have been a really bad friend. "

Suga oppa looked like he was about to say something but he couldn't, that was because I got scooped up from the ground by Taehyung and he sling me onto his back, "only I can torture you Jagi. "

"When a man wants to fight, he gives off 50% of his energy,mind and focus. But when a man has his girl, he wouldn't hesitate to give his 100% to her. " I could feel him smirking as he smacks and squeezed my bum once, hardly which made me gasp.

"Throw him into the cage, again." Taehyung announced and now Suga oppa wasn't in my sight anymore.

"Lets see what we can do with you, my princess. " Taehyung 's smirk was still present as he hovered over me and he spreaded my legs out, "I will go slow. " he says and I just shut my eyes really tightly , scared about what he was about to do to me next.

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