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The boys didn't get home from the arcade until late. Something seemed a bit off about Matthieu to Francis, but the Frenchman decided to stay quiet about it.
"Papa...Arthur said he wanted to see your paintings earlier. The ones in the basement."
"Oh...oui. I can show zhem to him." Francis nodded.
"Great! I'll get the old man and tell him the news." Alfred nodded and went off to the back room where Arthur usually spent his time.
Francis went downstairs to wait for the Englishman to join him.

A few moments later he was leading the other man down into the darkness. Arthur looked nervous. Especially when the door closed behind them. 

When they heard the tiny click of the lock closing, Francis began to panic. 

"Matthieu? Was zhat you?" 

There was no reply. Only soft footsteps heading away from the door. 

"Bollocks." Arthur swore. He headed down the rest of the steps, sitting at the end. "Is there a light switch down here?" 

"Non. Zhere's only one on zhe outside." Francis sighed. 

He thought he heard a tiny whimper from the other man, but wasn't quite sure. 

"Arzhur? Are you alright?" 

"Yes. Yep. Nothing to worry about." The brit insisted. Francis still wasn't convinced. 

"Are you afraid of zhedark, mon, cher?" 

"Me? What? No!" 

"Zhat sounded defensive." 

"What do you know, you bloody wine monkey." Arthur hissed. 

"I know 'ow to tell if somebody's distressed, no?" Francis sat down beside the Brit. In this lighting he looked just like the pictures in the back of his books, scholarly, educated, elegant. He was beautiful in Francis's eyes. 

"I'm not...I mean..." 

"It's okay. I'm right here. Nozhing will 'urt you." Francis reached forward, brushing the hair out of his companion's eyes. The blonde blinked quickly, surprised. 

Upstairs they could hear the TV start up. Francis knew the boys had planned this. And in a way, in many ways, he was grateful. He had become acquainted with Arthur through his storytelling, and then learned his voice and movements on that one meeting a decade ago. Then, after living with him for a short time, the man had become buried in his thoughts. 

This wasn't the first time he had felt this way. The first time was with Jeanne. The only difference between then and now was that with Arthur it happened so slowly that he didn't see it coming until it was already rooted in him. 

He knew it was a bad idea, that he would likely hurt himself in the process, but he decided to do it. He decided to utter those two words he hadn't used on anybody other than his son for eleven years. 

"Je t'aime." 



"What the hell did you say?" 

"I didn't say anyzhing." 

"You did too. You probably insulted me in your dumb frog language, didn't you?" 

"Arzhur..." Francis sighed and scooted away from the Brit. "Never mind." 

"You were joking about my eyebrows, weren't you?" 

"Quoi? Non! You 'ave very nice eyebrows...if you were a cave man." 


"Honhonhon~ I'm kidding, mon cher." 

Arthur rolled his emerald eyes. 

"'ey, look at me," Francis tilted Arthur's chin upward so he could better see his face in the moonlight leaking through the dusty window above their heads. "It's not zhe looks zhat count. If zhat were zhe case I would be king of zhe world." 

"Oh wow. I'm flattered." Arthur said sarcastically. 

"Cher," Francis started up again. "Your eyebrows don't matter. It's your eyes zhat I like zhe most." 

"They're just eyes." 

"Oui. But zhey are beautiful ones." 

Arthur sighed. "Whatever you say, frog." 

Francis smiled and leaned in slowly, stealing a soft, quick kiss. He felt Arthur struggle against him and pulled away. 



Arthur stood and walked to the other side of the room, sitting down and glaring at Francis. 

The Frenchman knew he would end up hurt, he knew Arthur would never love him back. But he still went ahead and kissed him. 

And he didn't regret at thing. 

Guys, I'm sorry about how slowly this is coming along, but good news. I only have a Chapter and a half left to write of Three Foot Tall and after that I can put this fic first. Again, I may not post much over the holidays, but I'll try as much as I can. You may even get double chapters when I do!

Also, I joined the Undertale fandom last night. They say you go to hell for one sin so you might as well make it a thousand and go down a legend. So that's what I'm gonna do! Wish me luck!


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