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"What got Matthew all worked up last night?" Arthur asked that morning as they started up the restaurant.
"So now you talk to me?" Francis rolled his eyes.
"Look...I'm sorry about the thing in the basement. But you can't just kiss somebody out of nowhere like that."
"Oooo! Who's kissing who?" Antonio piped up from where he was cleaning planning the morning special.
"Shit." Arthur muttered.
"Oh...just me kissing Arzhur 'ere..." Francis explained nonchalantly.
"You frog! Why would you tell him that?!"
"Because I tell Antonio everyzhing..."
"Vhat about zhe awesome me?! Do I get in on zhis secret?" Gilbert entered with the orders of the only customer out this early.
"Francey-pants kissed Eyebrows!" Antonio explained with a huge smile on his face.
"Guys...seriously....are we children?" Arthur's face was bright red. Francis found it to be quite...alluring.
"What's zhe point of growing up if jou can't be immature every vonce in a vhile?" Gil quoted. "I believe zhose are zhe vords of jour people."
Arthur scoffed and exited the kitchen to tend to that area.
Gilbert then turned to Francis, a serious expression on his face.
"Is it serious?"
"What? Non! 'E doesn't like me." Francis sighed.
"Are chu suuuuuuuure?~" Antonio jumped in.
"Oui. 'E outright said it."
"But chu like him. Chu've got that same look on your face as chu did with Jeanne back in high school." Antonio poked Francis in the side.
"Can we not talk about zhis. We've got work to do."
"Fine. Fine." Gilbert gave in. "But jou'll loosen up after some wine tonight."
"I don't know if I'm up for drinking..."
"C'mon Francey-pants! Ve alvays go drinking on Fridays."
"Okay. I'll go. But you can't pester me about Arzhur, alright?"
"Ja. Ve von't."
"You totally will." Francis muttered to himself. He went on to help the Spaniard without a word.
Later that night Francis was in the bathroom, brushing his hair into a ponytail so he could drink in style. Arthur approached him with an awkward look in his eyes,
"Hey...Uh...Do you mind if I come with you guys this time?"
"Are you sure? It's just a bunch of idiots getting drunk and pulling pranks."
"So. I just...Need something to do okay?" He twisted his hands around each other.
"Sure. I guess you can come."
"Okay. Great." He brushed off his sweater.
"But you 'ave to dress better zhan zhat."
"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing!" Arthur explained defensively.
"OH YES ZHERE IS!" Francis gaped. He pulled Arthur off to his bedroom, leading him directly to the closet. He pulled out a small dress shirt and pants. "Try zhese. Zhey're Matthieu's but 'e doesn't wear zhem much."
"I...Thank you."
"Pas de problemme."
"Whatever that means..."
Before Francis could answer, Gilbert and Antonio knocked on the door.
"Francey-Pants! Come on out!" Antonio shouted.
"I'm coming." Francis stepped out of the room for Arthur to change. He did so quickly before joining the others in the living room.
"So vhere are ve going tonight?"
"No idea." Antonio's eyes sparkled. The little shit was already kinda drunk.
"'ow about we try zhat new place down zhe block?" Francis suggested.
"Alvright!" Gilbert stood and brushed off his pants. "As long as zhere's beer I don't care."
The four got up and started out the door, Francis kissing his son's forehead on the way.
"Chu know, this place is actually really nice." Antonio chirped cheerfully. He sat down at a booth and stretched himself out, used to having the space all to himself. Their albino friend coughed and sat right on top of the outstretched limbs.
Arthur sat on the opposite side of the booth from them, tucked between Francis and the wall. He didn't try to strike a conversation with the others. He simply ordered his ale and drank in silence.
After his third beer however...
"Move chour ass Gilly! I've gotta take a leak." Antonio poked at Gilbert drunkenly.
"Good gött Toni. Jou vent und overdid jourself again." Gil rolled his red eyes. "I'm taking him home. Jou two can put jour stuff on mein tab."
"Merci, Gil." Francis looked down at his glass of wine. The rest of the night would probably be awkward without his friends to buffer the tension.
Or so he thought...
"D'ya wanna take a walk in the park?"
He hadn't expected that.
"Sure. It's a nice night."
Francis stood and offered his hand to the Brit. It was taken and the two headed out of the bar, fingers locked together.
"Zhis is out of character for you..." The Frenchman pointed out.
"What is?"
"You're not usually zhis affectionate."
"Francis...I want you." A British hand slipped into Francis's back pocket, sending an excited shiver up his spine.
"Arzhur, you're drunk. Let's go 'ome."
"I don't wanna."
"You 'ave to." Francis lead him through the park and back to their home.
That night as he lay on the living room floor, having given his place on the couch to his son, he craved human touch. He was tempted to curl up with Matthieu, but knew there would t be room. It was cold on his own and his mind just wouldn't shut off.
He got up, heading over to his bedroom without knowing why. He sat beside the bed and just watched Arthur sleep. Green eyes opened and blinked at him.
"What're ya doing?"
Francis's face burned. "I was..."
"Do ya want to sleep here with me?"
Francis coughed in surprise.
"Le Pleeeeeeease....or however you say it in your silly frog tongue...."
Francis chuckled. "It's si vous plais. And since you asked..." He crawled into the bed, letting the Brit engulf him in a warm hug. Francis smiled, closing his eyes and falling asleep easier than he had for the past fourteen years.

This chapter is really frickin' long! But it's up. That's all that matters.

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