Who saved me?

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Romeo's pov.
She is half sitting on his bed, her hands on his ..his fucking shoulder and kissing him. And his hands are inside my sweatshirt.
What the fuck?
Jake saw me and stiffened. Asshole. She turned slowly watching me with her jet black eyes and I don't even know what to do.
The worst things in life come free to us. Ed must have written his song based on my life.
She left me broken for five years and now that she is back slowly into my life he takes her away.

You were the one who sent her to him..a voice mocked me inside.
Shut up.
Her eyes are wide with...Is that guilt?
Romeo why would she feel guilty. She does not even remember all that you shared with her.
" Romeo..wh..what are you doing here?"
Jake has his fucking hands around her waist now.
And this was the best line she could come up with?
I don't even know what to answer.
I didn't want her to walk alone in the rain so I had thought I will pick her up.
"Your mom told me to pick you up. I am sorry.I will wait outside"
My voice was low and I could feel myself shaking.
Why the fuck am I even angry with her. It's her choice.
I turned to walk out when Jake called out my name.
"Hey bud, I am getting discharged in two weeks..till then please take care of my girl."
I would smash that smirk of his face if she wouldn't have been here.
I muttered," sure." and I walked out.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I angry at her? She does not even know anything. She can choose whoever she wants to, whoever that makes her happy.
Maybe I remind her too much of her past.
Thunder crashed above me just like that night 5 years ago.
A sharp pain shot out in my chest. She managed to break me apart once again. If only she knew...
Carmen's pov
I watch as Romeo walk out, and I turn towards Jake dumbfounded.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
He looked at me surprised.
" What? What did I do?"
" My girl?? Really Jake..since when?"
I am pissed now..
" Hey I didn't mean it that way"
He is watching me and he tucks my hair behind my ear.
"I an sorry..if you thought it meant something else"
He sounded so insecure my anger dissolved.
For once I want to be away from both of them..from their spells on me. I get up picking up my phone.
"You are leaving?" He looked at me, sadness weaved in his voice.
" Mom's called.Goodnight Jake"
" Will you come tomorrow?"
"I don't know." I honestly don't know.
But I have a feeling I won't be able to stay away from him.I walked out leaving him in the darkness. Lightning illuminating his face behind me.
This is probably the most awkward ride of my life. The air between us hung thick with unanswered questions.
He didn't nod, didn't say yeah..just looked on straight ahead.
A part of me died. I can not bear the silence between us..not atleast us.
"Romeo?" My voice cracked.
What am I crying for? I fucked it up. I didn't even know Jake properly..ugh..I wanted all this too end for once and for all..
I wanted to know everything.

He slammed the brakes.
And turned towards me,around us L.A. moved on but for me the world had receeded.
It was pouring now.
'Are you crying?".
I nodded tears coming uncontrollably now.
A part of me is relieved that he is atleast talking to me.
Romeo's pov.
I can't understand what she is doing to me.
But all I know is no matter how much she hurts me,  I hate seeing those eyes cry especially if it is because of me.
She looked so lost.
" Are you crying?" Of course she is.
" I am so sorry. I didn't.."
  She started crying more.
She kills me slowly everyday. And she doesn't know that.
Losing hold of her hand frightens me the most and I am pushing her away.
Even if I want her so bad only to be mine I can't. It's her choice and I would never take advantage of her memory loss.

She looks so beautiful even when she cries. I hold her hand wishing she would never leave it but she anyway does.
She wipes away her tears and then asks me the only question I never wanted her to ask in my life.
"Were you the one who saved my life? The one who took the impact?"
Her voice sounded torn and I was too. Ripped apart, shredded in pieces.
I sat there staring at her,my mind gone blank.

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