When I am in pain

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Romeo's pov
"Wake up"
What? I opened my eyes only to shut it again.
Damn the light.
" Get up sleepy head"
A hand ruffled my hair.
That voice,goddamn it. I turn to see her sitting next to me smiling .
Fuck she will kill me someday. She was wearing a tank top that barely hid anything and hinted at every fucking curve in her body.
And that lucky denims shorts.
"What are you staring at perv?"
She crossed her legs. Smart.
I looked straight ," You have fever,you should probably wear something warmer".
Her bottom lips went it. Bennet stop.
"But it's kinda warm"
"No it's not good for you" and for me christ sake.
She pouted.
" I don't like you Beckham'
I grinned back keeping my eyes on her as she threw her arms up to wear my hoodie.
What would I not do to her?
" What time is it?"
I grab my shirt turning towards her. She was wearing her watch.
Wait what?
" You are fucking kidding with me"
Realization dawned on her as I run to the bathroom.
Where the fuck is my family? Oh ya..
late night mom had texted me they will be going to nan's place early.
I turn the facet on,my thoughts going back to Carmen.
Dude control.
I obviously won't be able to if she keeps roaming half naked in the house. I am damn sure she half does it to tease me.
I turn the knob grabbing the towel. It's frigging monday and no way am I ready for a detention.
I throw on a shirt and grab my bag running downstairs when I skid to a stop.
What the..
" You aren't skipping breakfast are you?"
All my previous thoughts about her vanished as I watched her standing there in my hoodie holding a sandwich with coffee and smiling at me.
I skip the last step landing in front of her.
Taking the coffee and sandwhich I leaned down and kissed her on her neck.
"Damn Bennet, you will be the death of me someday"
She didn't flinch but instead she turned and kissed me on my jaw.
"You are late. Go"
The goddamn ways she catches me off gaurd. Builds my hope only to crash in moments as she will walk out of that door for him now.
I don't care if she is playing with me as long as I get these stolen moments with her before she leaves.
The horn honks outside.
I smile at her as I turn away and walk out.
Mike was waiting. I hop in and raise the volume blasting the Weekend away.
"Dude,you want old ladies on the way screaming at us or what?"
" I don't seem to give a fuck. I need to get someone off mind and I need to ask you for a favour later"
Carmen's pov.
I am shit tired,confused and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Goddamn Beckham. Goddamn brown eyed and green eyed guys in my life.
I sit down my mind going back to his words,"Bennet you will be the death of me someday"
I already am.
Already been there. The irony of it. And He still believes I am good.
I shut my eyes going through our conversations. Barely 4 days were left and I will be on my way to India.
"I know you will leave me."
"Why?" I walk towards him.
Romeo looked as if he was in pain.I lean up our lips meeting. I throw my arms around him as he bit my lower lips tugging at them.
I could feel the warmth creeping in my body when he suddenly pulled away.
"What?" I whispered.
"I knew you would kiss me" He mumbled.
" How ?I didn't."
" Cause I am in pain Carmen"
I looked at him waiting for him to continue.
"That's the only way I get your attention. When I am in pain.."
My eyes didn't blink and I didn't even bother denying it.
"Don't worry Carmen, it will pass."
With that he walked away, leaving me broken in his wake.
I gasped.
That was not a flashback.
That was a dream, a fucking dream which might as well as come to me as a notice.
I know how much have I hurt him and how much I can hurt him more.
I know my weakness while choosing people.
He knows and I know that I might end up breaking him again.
But he still won't leave me. If we fought and hated each other it would have been better and easier for me to leave him.

But I can't. We both are tied together somewhere and we keep coming back to each other even when we might be each other's poison.
Oh Romeo.
I get up and put on my sneakers. So much for a nap. I was late and I better get going before I make someone pissed.
I walked out of the door when my phone beeped.
RB- got an A in trig. I think maam sourface is gonna faint. Owe you majorly.
I laughed to myself. So it was worth staying up.
CB-Waiting for my treat.
RB- ya ya..after school..come for my game..see ya tc.
I open the door of the building to see the receptionist smile at me.
I was late. His game was starting in 5 minutes and it will take me atleast 15 mins even if the driver guns the engine.
I grab my coat and run out opening the door and speaking simultaneously," Mike,hurry"
He nodded. God, I just hop that idiot doesn't lose his head.
We skidded to a stop as I jump out of the car.
There was a 5sos song belting out.
The players were entering. Romeo turned and caught my eye. I ran up to him.

"You are late"
He said without looking into my eyes.
I pursed my lips.
" Yeah, I couldn't leave"
Please don't ask.I won't be able to tell you. He nodded his eyes becoming distant.
Mike was motioning for the others to give us space.
"Romeo, I am sorry"
He snapped back.
"Hey, don't be..I'm not mad at you"
You are mad at yourself for something I can't fathom.
The players started entering.
He pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around him wishing I could crush the distance between us.
He pecked me on my forehead.
"Cheer for me kay?"
I smiled. He ran to catch up with his mates.
Still forgiving.
Why can't he hate me? It will make it a hell lot easier if I ever fuck up again.
The stadium erupted in roars. Romeo had made a perfect score in the first 5 minutes.
His mates crowded him. The cheerleaders were probably planning on losing their vocals.

He turned towards the stands. Our eyes met. I smiled and he laughed.
Yep,the camera caught it.
Romeo's team won 3-1. The crowd was going mad. He took off his shirt. Well all the boys did. Everyone ran to the ground mobbing them.
The cheerleaders would just not shut up. He was completely trapped.
Suddenly the crowd separated to let him pass through. I watched dumbfounded as he made his way to me.
Damn Beckham. As if seeing you sweat is not enough you had to take the fucking shirt off.
He grinned as he lifted me up. I instinctively crossed my legs at his waist.
He laughed. That sound.
" I just earned myself a lot of hate thanks to you Beckham."
"I don't like keeping my girl waiting"
Loud enough for everyone to hear.
I facepalmed laughing.
The way he says 'my girl' knocks my breath away everytime. He walked towards the players stand to grab his bag still holding my hands. I had already jumped down.
He turned waving to his mates and then took out his skateboard and one more from Mike's car.
"Ready for your treat?"
I grinned. "Yep student"
He chuckled taking my hands in his. It has become usual but it still sends me over the edge.
" So where?"
"Shut up Bennet"
He guided me to a narrow alley and then skidded to a stop.
For a grafitti artist this was fucking paradise.
Every wall was spray painted.
I got down from the board looking at them.
There was one wall that had caught my eye.
Are you,are you coming back to me?....
Loved you for years, now I swear it's turn infinte..
I will let you go if you want.
All were written in Red and black. Beautifully heart wrenching and haunting. I didn't have to be Einstein to know who did it?
I looked at him. He was avoiding my gaze. My dream came back.
That's only when I get your attention.When I am in pain..
Maybe he was right.. Right now I knew he was hurting and all I wanted to do was melt myself into him.
I hated myself. I picked up the spray. I could feel his eyes watching me. I press the nozzle.
If I come in pieces, will you take each of them in its stolen moments?
He picked up a golden spray to answer me.
I am in pieces too. Call me a thief but I will steal all even if someone takes them away.
I laugh silently.
Carmen is back.
Thank you for staying R.
I looked at him. I meant every word.
He stared at me then his hand moved.
Forever and always. I said.
I dropped the spray , hit by the words in my gut.
His strong arms snaked around my waist as I lean on his shoulders for support.
Million words left unsaid between us.
But for the evening I am content with his arms around me.
Half a world away from him,maybe I will find the courage to tell him all the words
Maybe when someone will be where I am with him, I hope she will say them before it's too late.
The phone beeped.
Romeo had to attend a dinner with the brand launchers.
I pulled away as his hand slipped down to my wrist holding it.
We walked back the way home, a comfortable silence between us.

He kissed me on my forehead at the porch. I still had fever.
Mom and dad were still in California.
Victoria had made dinner for me.
I entered my room tired and somehow light headed. Romeo entered wearing his bow tie.
I laughed as I fix it.
Damn. He looked enticing.
"Good night. Take care of yourself"
"Enjoy" I smiled at him.

Later I heard my door open around 1am.
Checking on your imperfect heartbreaker aren't you ?
A lone tear slipped down my eyes as I heard the brown eyed boy whisper.
" I love you Carmen Bennet"

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