Chapter 4

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Please excuse any grammatical errors.

-Lady D

I'm Dreux Williams. I've been working at Emory for about 4 years. Janay and I have been fucking around for about a year. I swear man Janay really got a nigga heart. I really hope this baby is mine and that she realizes we need to be together. As I pull into work I realize today is the day we complete the testing to determine if I'm the father of Janay's unborn. I'm excited, but sad at the same time. As I enter the hospital I say a silent prayer to God that this baby is mine. When I walk in I'm greeted by our receptionist Rosa that thirsty bitch I really can't stand her ass. I quickly walk past her to avoid an unwanted conversation and head to Janay's office. "Come in" she says after I knock on the door.

I walk in and damn my baby is looking beautiful. "Hey baby you ready to get this testing done?" "I'm honestly nervous Dreux." "There's no reason to be nervous baby. I'm here for you regardless." "Thanks Dreux that means so much to me. Let's go ahead and get this testing done." I stand and reach for her hand and we walk out of her office. When we get to one of the empty hospital rooms, I draw a sample of her blood and she does the same to me. I take it to one of the lab workers and ask them to perform a paternity test. They tell me that the results will be ready in 12-72 hours and they will page me when they are ready. I walk back into the hospital room and Janay is crying. "Come on baby there is no reason to cry." "Dreux there are plenty of reasons for me to cry I'm married and I've been cheating on my husband and I don't know who the father of my child is." "I know baby the situation is pretty fucked up, but the beautiful thing about this ugly situation is that you're carrying a beautiful baby. Like I already said I will be here regardless baby I love you." " Thank you Dreux I don't deserve you I swear." "Don't say that baby yeah you cheated and that was wrong, but you're still a good person and everyone deserves to be happy. Have you given some thought to what I said yesterday?"

"Yes Dreux I have I plan on talking to Rashad tonight when I get home." "Ok baby well if you need to you can call me after you talk to him." "Thank you so much Dreux." I stand to pull her into my arms and kiss her. "You're more than welcome now let's head back to work before people notice how long we've been gone. We exit the room and each head to our separate offices. I return to my office and notice I have a lot of work to get done before I leave at 5. Being a doctor sure is a lot of work, but I love my job so I wouldn't change it for anything. I reply to my 45 emails, see 5 of my patients, and return 20 phone calls all before 5 damn I'm tired. I gather my belongings and head to my car. I notice Janay's car is already gone she must've left early. I'll be sure to text her later. I head home to relax and get some much needed rest.

*Back with Janay*

*Text to my husband* - Hey baby how is your day going?

*His Response - I'm good baby how is work?

*My Response - Everything is going good I just wanted to see how you were baby.

*His Response* Thank you baby. I'm about to head to into a meeting I'll see you later at home love you.

*My Response* - Ok see you later baby love you too.

It is now going on 3 and I'm not feeling too good. I decide to leave early to go home and get some rest. I send an email to the staff letting them know I'm leaving for the day. I head to the parking deck and get in my car and head home. Once I pull into the garage I notice Rashad is already home. I thought he was in a meeting and he doesn't normally get home until 4:30. It's only 3:20. I guess his meeting got cancelled and he left work early. I  head inside the house and notice there is a cute little boy laying in a crib fast asleep in the living room. He is the cutest little thing he looks like Rashad that's crazy. Wait a minute whose baby is this and why is he here? I head upstairs and I hear Veronica singing. What the hell is she doing in my house let alone in my bedroom. I bust in and see that Rashad has set up some studio equipment in our bedroom. I take a sigh of relief. I still need to figure out why the hell they are upstairs in our bedroom. "Hey Rashad and Veronica why the hell are y'all in here of all places to be in the house recording a song?!" "It's not like that baby we didn't want to wake her son." "Ok well y'all should've went to the studio this is unprofessional take this shit out of my bedroom she should not be up here alone with you!" "Ok baby calm down you're right I'll take Veronica downstairs an-" "No she needs to go home you and I need to talk." " Listen Janay I wasn't trying to dis-" "Save it Veronica just please leave my house now."

They both head downstairs and Rashad takes her home. I am so fucking pissed with him right now. I can't believe he brought her in our bedroom. My phone vibrates indicating I have a text it's from Dreux.

*Text from Dreux* - Hey baby you ok? I noticed you were already gone when I left.

*My Reponse*  - Yeah I'm ok just wasn't feeling to good.

He calls me not too long after I send that text. "Hey Dreux" "What's wrong Janay and don't lie to me?" "I was just feeling nauseous" "Ok well be sure to get some rest baby and stay hydrated." "I will Dreux thanks for checking on me and caring." "No problem I love you baby get some rest like I said and call me if you need anything. I mean it Janay Marie." "Ok Dreux I will." I end the call and prepare to head to the bed to get some rest it is now going on 4 pm. I'll be sure to talk with Rashad once he gets back he shouldn't be gone too much longer. I wake up and look at the time on my cell phone it reads 8:37 pm where the hell is Rashad? He hasn't called or texted me so I decide to call him. It goes straight to voicemail. This isn't like him so I start to worry. Before I can worry too much my phone alerts me of a text message, hoping it's from Rashad I immediately open it. The message is from a blocked number and the message reads: If you're looking for Rashad, head to the Westin hotel downtown he's in room 1207. What the fuck how could this person know where Rashad is? I try to reply to message, but it doesn't go through. Oh well fuck it I'm about to go to this damn hotel and Rashad better not have his ass there.

I quickly speed to the W and park in the parking deck. I head to the reception desk and ask them if I can have a key to room 1207 and that I am the wife to Rashad Allen. The receptionist asks me for i.d. and I of course give it to her. She makes me a key and I thank her and head to the elevators to get to room 1207. When I arrive to the door I put my ear to it and it sounds like Veronica is moaning. I immediately swipe the key card and open the door. The next thing I know I black out.

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