Chapter 13

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Hope y'all enjoy

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Love y'all

-Lady D

Dammit I wasn't trying to shoot Rashad. I was trying to shoot my cousin Corey to stop him from

beating up Rashad. Now I'm sitting here at Emory in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell me

if Rashad is going to be ok. The hospital is full of the paparazzi since Rashad is a big time executive at

Atlantic. About an hour later a doctor calls for the family of Rashad Allen. I quickly get up and walk

over to him. "Hi I'm Doctor Arnold and you are?" "I'm Veronica, Rashad's fiancee" "Oh nice to meet

you. Rashad is currently in surgery. The bullet is very close to his spine so he will be in surgery for a

few more hours." "Oh my god will this affect him in anyway?" "There's the possibility of him not

walking ever again, but we won't be 100% sure until Rashad is out of surgery. We will run a series of

tests to see if Rashad is paralyzed. Ma'am I can assure you we are doing everything to help Rashad."

I start to break down just thinking about everything the doctor just told me. Rashad may never walk

again and it's all my fault. The doctor tells me they will keep me posted on Rashad and he leaves me

in the waiting room. I call my aunt to let her know everything that's going on and ask her to keep

Josiah for a few days. After I end my call with my aunt I break down and cry again how could all this


*Back With Janay, Tracy, and Kyra*

"What's wrong boo?" asks Tracy "Y'all Rashad got shot today" "Damn forreal?" says Kyra

"Yeah y'all I just read it on instagram." "Dang so what are you going to do?" asks Kyra "I'm

going to send some flowers and a get well card to him. Don't get me wrong I care about Rashad hell I

still love him, but I need to move on with Dreux. I love Dreux and we're having a baby together. Plus

Rashad has Veronica now so she can take care of him." "I know that's right boo" says Tracy. They

finish catching up for a few hours and then say their goodbyes. "Dreux you can come out baby."

Janay waits to see Dreux appear from their bedroom, but when she doesn't see him she gets up and

heads to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom she notices Dreux is fast asleep. She smiles to herself

thinking how did she get lucky to have a man like Dreux. She lays down next to Dreux and wraps her

arm around him and falls asleep.

*Back at the hospital*

Dr. Arnold has just asked me to come to his office to discuss how Rashad is doing. I'm so nervous and

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