You Are A Cinema (IchiHime Fanfic)

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Hey how ya doinn? I'm just winging this story so wish me luck.

Disclaimer: I will ever own Bleach or it's characters. Bleach is all the property of Tite Kubo. -sobs-



Orihime's POV-

I look out the window. It's cloudy...looks like rain. I stare at the math homework on my desk.

I'm so bored...

I sigh and try to figure out this problem, it's easy but my mind's been out of it all day today. It's Friday, but we still have weekend homework. There's a crack of thunder outside. It's already 5, Tatsuki should be here in an hour.

I get up and close the curtains, I walk away from my math.

It can wait till Sunday.

I sit down and watch Tv, channel surfing aimlessly; nothing catches my interest. There's a knock on my door and I check the clock. It's only 10 after 5, could that be Tatsuki? She didn't say anything about coming early. I walk towards the door and open it.

"Ichigo? What are you doing here?" I ask.

What is he doing here? He never comes. Does he even know where I live?


He's still wearing his uniform, his hair's still in his messy state.


"I didn't pay attention in class so could you tell me the math homework?" he scratches the back of his head.

"Of course," I smile and dig out my agenda in my booksack. "Let's see...Don't you need to write this down somewhere?"

"Nah, I'll remember it," he says.

"Okay, textbook page 254 numbers 1-10 and 23-25."

"Thanks, see you on Monday Inoue," he smiles.

He smiled? He almost never smiles.

"Um, yeah you're welcome," I say.

He walks away and I shut the door. I lean against it for a bit, clutching the agenda to my chest.

What just happened?


Yeah, I dunno it it'll be any good or not but I'll let you guys be the judge of that. Check out some of my other stories if you like :D

You Are A Cinema (IchiHime Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now