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I know, I know. I should be shot for making you wait this long d; My updates usually come in like one week and it's been exactly one week sooooo...Let's get this show on the road! Disclaimer by....Grimmjow!

Grimmjow: Why can't you do it woman?

Me: Because, I am the writer of this story.

Grimmjow: So?

Me: So? I can delete you from my story any time I want. (Yes, Grimmy will be in the story later c;)

Grimmjow: Fine fine! Just don't call me Grimmy again.

Me: Deal. Hit it Grimmjow!

Disclaimer by Grimmjow: She'll never own Bleach because she's a-

Me: THANK YOU! On with the fic!

Grimmjow: But I wasn't finished!


Orihime's POV-

The walk back to my apartment wasn't as awkward as I expected it to be. We already made it to the door of my apartment I was taking out my key.

"Hey are you going to the Don Kanonji show next week?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Oh because I was gonna be there and I wanted someone to hang out with besides Keigo, Mizuiro and my family," he sighs and I blush.

"Of course you're always welcome to hang out with Tatsuki and I! I should invite Rukia too, maybe Uryu...Chad..." I trail excitedly.

He chuckles at my behavior and I finally get to unlocking the door. "Excuse my manners, would you like to come in?"

"Nah that's fine, I have to get going anyway," he says and holds up the bag that contained seasoning salt.

"Oh, well okay then! See you tomorrow Ichigo," I say happily though I'm a little disappointed that he couldn't come inside.

"Gotcha," he says turning around and I'm about to close the door, "Wait."

I look up in mid-close, "Yes?"

"Can I have your number?" he asks. Well. Not what I was expecting buuuuttt....this is a plus.

"Sure, of course. Hold on," I take my phone out of the pocket in my skirt and tell him to put his number in. (A/N: When I was writing this, It felt like a sudden deja vu...idk). He took it and gave me his phone and I did the same. We swapped our phones and smiled.

"Thanks, now I can find you in that god damn crowd," he grins.

"Yup!" I exclaim happily, "Bye Ichigo!"

"Bye Orihime!" he says and walks away.

He called me Orihime.


Today was the day! The day of Don Kanonji's gathering! I tried not to jump excitedly in my chair as the clock ticked the final seconds of class. Three...Two...One...


"WOOO!!! COME ON RUKIA AND TATSUKI! LET'S GO GET READY!" I jump from my desk causing some students to look at me.

"Calm down Orihime," Rukia laughs nervously.

"Maybe later, but not now," I laugh.

"Oi Orihime, where are you guys gonna be at?" Ichigo asks behind me making me jump.

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