A Dangerous Past Time

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Inside the town's tavern, Kate sat in her massive furred chair, head in her hands. "Who does he think he is?! That boy has tangled with the wrong woman. No one says no to Kate Argent!" She slammed her fist on the arm rest. "Damn right." Chris said, drinking his beer. "Dismissed. Rejected. Publicly humiliated. Why it's more than I can bear." She continued, ignoring her brother as she turned her chair around to face the fire. Chris refilled his mug and got another. "more beer?" He offered to Kate. "What for? Nothing helps." Kate groaned, wallowing in pity. "I'm disgraced." Chris dropped the beers in shock. "Who, you? never. Kate, you've got to pull yourself together. Gosh it disturbs me to see you Kate, looking so down in the dumps. Every girl here'd love to be you, Kate." The tavern cheered after Chris' statement. "Even when taking your lumps. There's no one in town as admired as you. You're everyone's favorite gal! Everyone's awed and inspired by you." Chris turned the chair around to face the tavern. "And it's not very hard to see why. No one's slick as Kate, no one's quick as Kate." A man interrupted Chris. "No one's boobs are as incredible as Kate's." Chris looked at the man, as did most of the tavern still conscious. Chris shook his head and turned his attention back to Kate. "For there's no girl in town half as manly. Perfect, a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley and they'll tell you who's team they'd prefer to be on!" Chris took a belt from an unconscious drunk and wrapped it around Kate's neck who flexed and broke it, proving her brother's point. "No one's been like you Kate, a king pin." An old drunk slurred, sloshing his beer as he raised his mug. "No one's got a swell clit like you Kate!" yelled one of her admirers. Kate stood tall with pride, her chest puffed out. "As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating." She said. "Give five hurrahs for Kate!" Someone passed Chris a beer. "Kate's the best and the rest is all drips!" He threw out his arms and the beer hit Kate in the face. She punched her brother and they fell fighting on the floor. "No one fights like Kate." An alcoholic commented. "In a wrestling match, no one bites like Kate." A man said, wrapped in bandages. "For there's no one as awesome." Her band of man whores chirped. "As you see I've got biceps to spare." Kate boasted as she flexed. "Not a bit of her's scraggly or scrawny." Chris said. She gave him a smile. "That's right and no bit of me's covered in hair!" She took off her shirt for her adoring fans. Chris' eyes averted away from his sister. She had no sense of shame.

The night continued, drinking and praising Kate Argent when John burst in. "Help! Someone help me!" He exclaimed frantically. "John?" Someone said. "Please! I need your help! He's got him locked away in a dungeon!" Dried tears were still on John's face. "Who?" Chris asked. "Stiles. We must go. Not a minute to lose!' John tried to drag Chris out. "Whoa! Slow down John. Who's got Stiles locked away in a dungeon?" Kate held the older man's arm. "A beast! A horrible hideous beast!" There was a moment of silence before the whole tavern exploded with laughter. "Is is a big beast?" John nodded, the memory still fresh. "Huge!' More laughter. "With a long ugly snout?" Someone else asked. "Hideously ugly." A blonde stood up. "And sharp cruel fangs?" John nodded, relieved that they understood. "Yes, yes. Will you help me?" Kate smirked. "Alright old man. We'll help you." She said, gesturing the boys to throw him out. "you will? Oh thank you, thank yooooouuuu!" He screamed as he was thrown out the door. One of the boys chuckled. "Crazy old John. Always good for a laugh!" Kate sat back in her chair, rubbing her chin. "Crazy old John, hmm?" She looked at her brother. "Chris, I'm afraid I've been thinking." Chris' eyes widened. "A dangerous past time-" Kate finished the sentence. "I know, but that wacky old coot is Stiles' father and his sanity's only so-so. Now the wheels in my head have been turning since I looked at that loony old man. See I promised myself I'd be married to Stiles and right now I'm evolving a plan!" She pulled Chris close and they began to plot in whispers.

Stiles woke up with warm furs draped on top of him. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. There was a knock at the door and Stiles shoved a blonde fur off. He opened the door. "Who you?" He mumbled, brain not fully functioning. "I'm Lydia. I thought you might like some tea." Stiles let the red head in who chuckled at the sight of his bed. "I see you've met the pack." Stiles looked at her confused. "What do you-" "LYDIA!!" One of the furs yelled. A wolf, A FUCKING WOLF, jumped off Stiles' bed and nuzzled Lydia's legs. "What the-" He tripped over his own two feet. A furry body stopped his fall. "Careful," A large dark wolf rumbled. Stiles got up and sat on his bed. "This is impossible." He squeaked as the blonde wolf laid her head in his lap. "I know but here we are." She purred as Stiles rubbed her ears. Lydia passed him a cup. "Thank you." He murmured, taking a sip. Lydia sat next to him. "That was a very brave thing you did." She commented, Jackson licking her hand. "We all think that." The black wolf said, settling himself down by Stiles' feet. "But I'm lost my dad, my dreams, everything." Stiles said, rubbing the wolf at his feet. "Left, left down...that's the spot." He followed the wolf's instruction. "I'm Vernon but call me Boyd. I'm a beta." Boyd commented from his comfortable spot. "Stiles." The blonde wolf laughed. "We know. I'm Erica. Another beta." She buried her nose in Stiles' stomach who giggled. "Boyd, he smells like home!" Boyd reluctantly got up. He sniffed Stiles' side, pressing his wet nose against him. "He does." Both tails wagged happily as they continued smelling the giggling human. Stiles was laughing so hard he turned red. "Oh God, look at the time! You need to get ready for supper! Erica, Boyd, Jackson, come along." The betas whined as they left Stiles' room. "Uh, there should be a set of clothes in the wardrobe." Lydia directed as she closed the door. Stiles walked up to the wardrobe and opened the door. He pulled out a pink dress. "You've got to be kidding me."

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