Show Your Soft Side

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Stiles woke up and yawned. The pack was around his bed again. "Tonight, we need to sleep on a bigger bed. You all are about to fall off." Stiles commented sleepily. There was a knock on the door. "Yes?" The door opened and the Alpha peeked in. "Would you mind joining me for breakfast?" He rubbed at the back of his neck. Stiles smiled brightly. "Let me prepare myself and I'll join you in a minute." The Alpha nodded and growled at his pack to leave. They all left and Stiles changed into a gray long sleeve shirt and a set of red jeans. He couldn't find his red jacket. Stiles frowned but walked out. Waiting outside was Lydia. "You look lovely Stiles." The young man blushed. "You look nice as well." It was Lydia's turn to blush. "Thank you Stiles. The Alpha is waiting for you." 

Lydia had set the table on the ground, each wolf waiting at their respectful place. "Oh, I'm starving!" Stiles said as he sat in between the Alpha and Boyd. "Did you sleep well Stiles?" The Alpha asked. "I slept great thank you." Stiles replied around the food in his mouth. Lydia winced. She hated the lack of manners the human was showing. Isaac giggled on the other side of the Alpha who got shoved by Scott to shut up. 

Breakfast ended and Stiles led the pack outside. "Hold on, I almost forgot something!" Stiles ran back into the kitchen and grabbed a loaf of bread. He came back to the pack. "What's that for?" Isaac asked as he sniffed the bread. "Feeding the birds." The Alpha looked at him. "Why would you want to feed the birds?" He asked. "Why not?" Stiles replied. Stiles walked off, the wolves behind him. Stiles shoved the door with his shoulder and it opened to the snow covered ground. He would have fallen if it wasn't for the Alpha who grabbed the clumsy human. "Thank you!" Stiles squeaked as he broke the bread and hid his red face. There were a few birds on the floor. Stiles threw the crumbs on the ground. A red bird came close and began to peck at the food offered to them. More birds came to eat. The Alpha walked up next to the human, transfixed on the little birds who were eating. "Hold out your hands." The Alpha did as directed. Stiles put some bread crumbs in his cupped hands. There's something sweet and almost kind about the Alpha now. Stiles thought as he watched the Alpha try to persuade the birds to eat from his hands. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. Stiles made a trail to the Alpha. The red bird pecked a little at the trail before hopping into the Alpha's hands. The Alpha smiled softly. But now he's dear and so unsure. I wonder why I didn't see it there before.

The Alpha sneaked a peek at Stiles as he let the bird eat. He glanced this way. I thought I saw. Stiles' fingertips were warm as they glided against the pads of his paws to give him more bread. And when we touched, he didn't shudder at my paw! His tail was wagging in the snow. Stiles laughed as a yellow bird landed on his outstretched finger. The Alpha felt jealous of the stupid bird who got to touch the wonderful young man. He shook off his feelings. No it can't be. I'll just ignore. The Alpha glanced at the human. But then he's never looked at me that way before.

Stiles gave the Alpha the rest of the breadcrumbs and ducked around a nearby tree. His feelings were all over the place. New and a bit alarming. Who'd have ever thought that this could be? Stiles peered around the tree and bit back a laugh. The Alpha was covered with birds. He bit his lip. True that he's no Prince Charming but there's something in him that I simply didn't see. The Alpha looked up and proudly showed Stiles his ability with animals. Stiles smirked and took the look off his face by throwing a snowball at him when the birds flew away. The pack was shocked and ready to defend the human they had grown so fond of. Imagine their surprise as the Alpha laughed and growled playfully as he gathered a large pile of snow. The pack watched in happiness as Stiles threw another snowball at the Alpha who dropped his huge pile of snow on his head. The Alpha got up and chased Stiles around the tree. The human shrieked with laughter as he ran away. Laughter filled the air as the Alpha caught the shorter human and pinned him to the snow. "Well, who'd have thought?" Isaac said, breaking the silence. "Well bless my soul." Lydia said in shock. "And who'd have known?" Scott added. "Well who indeed." Erica said as she watched the two interact. "And who'd have thought they'd come together on their own?" Boyd gently shoved Erica who was blocking his view. "It's so peculiar." Jackson said. "Watching the Alpha play." The pack huffed in unison. "Let's wait and see a few days more. There may be something there that wasn't there before."

It was nightfall and the pack was curled on the den where Stiles was curled in the Alpha's chair, reading in front of the roaring fire. The Alpha was curled around Stiles' feet with the pack surrounding him. For once, the Alpha felt at ease. He sighed contently. "Yes, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before." Scott whispered low in Isaac's ear. "What?" The Alpha asked as he raised his head. "Nothing." Scott mumbled as he settled himself next to his mate. "There may be something there that wasn't there before." Lydia laughed as she rubbed Jackson's head and Erica's belly. "What are you all talking about?" Stiles asked. "I'll tell you when you're older." Lydia teases. "We're the same age!" Stiles shouted as the red head laughed. Erica tugged on the Alpha's cloak. The Alpha leaned down so she could whisper in his ear. "Let's have a ball. You can dance with Stiles and sweep him off his feet in a romantic gesture." The Alpha blinked. Why didn't he think of that?

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