Finally...The End

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Stiles sighed contently as he looked back on his life, old photograph books in his hands. Luca had grown to be as rash as Stiles was, always pulling puppy dog eyes to his fathers when he landed in trouble. He grew to be a respectable young man, taking after his grandfather's footsteps of being an inventor. He had fallen in love with a beautiful girl. Her name was Annie-Marie. She was slim with blonde hair that fell straight down her back with large brown eyes. They had married when Luca was 24, had four beautiful children. The eldest was a boy named Troy with dirty blonde hair and Derek's hazel eyes. The second birth was twin girls with dark brown hair and whiskey brown eyes to match, one named Olivia and her twin was Quinn. You could only tell the difference by personality. Quinn was just as wild as her father while Olivia was more withdrawn like her Grandpapa Derek. The youngest of the bunch was another boy with blonde hair and doe like blue eyes. Little Frederick. Stiles coughed and covered his mouth with his elbow before closing the album with Luca's family. He picked up another and opened it to find old pictures from Luca's childhood. Derek and Stiles did manage to have more children. After Luca came his little sister Jacqueline. Jackie had Derek's glare much to Stiles' chagrin and amusement. It certainly didn't help she had the Hales' dark hair and expressive eyebrows. She even had his hazel eyes. As a joke, Stiles had bought her a dark cloak just like Derek liked to wear and would let her parade around the house with it on. Unfortunately, she grew attached to the dark cloak. Stiles chuckled to himself as he found a picture of a small Jacqueline following after her daddy as Derek was helping Luca ride Peter. He smiled sadly as he touched the curve of Derek's scruffy jaw. Jacqueline had been wearing pig tails that day, hair tied with red ribbons. She had grown to be tough, independent, and every ounce as stubborn as Stiles. She hadn't married anyone but had adopted a little boy who was without a family. He had stunning blue eyes and a mop of chestnut hair. His name was Haven and he had stolen everyone's hearts almost immediately. It was hard not to. The boy was a sweetheart who couldn't hurt a soul. Stiles flipped through the album, all the memories. Jackie and Luca got along as well as siblings did, even if there were fights. He came across a picture of Jackie and Luca covered in batter. They had been trying to make a cake for Stiles' and Derek's anniversary and it had gone horribly wrong. Stiles laughed at the look of pure innocence on both faces streaked with vanilla cake batter. Luca had been 11 and was convinced he knew everything about the world. Jackie had been four and was willing to go with whatever her brother said. He shut the album and sighed. He never forgot about the son he never got to meet, his little Caleb,  but Jackie and Luca were wonderful children. The grandchildren he had were wonderful as well. Stiles stacked the last album and put them away safely. He wandered the house with its marks and dings from family life. The black smudge from where Jackie tried to cover herself in ink when Stiles made the mistake of telling the children of how they met. She ran through the house for months, howling, "I AM THE ALPHA!" at the top of her six year old lungs. There was a dip in the drywall from where Luca fell and hit his head during his magician phase. He thought he could make himself levitate the way Derek had when he transformed back into a man. Stiles laughed again as he came across the hole in the backyard that was never able to be covered. The triplets had been just as much trouble as 12 Lucas combined with 10 Jackies. Zachary, Coraline and Samantha kept Scott and Isaac on their toes all the time. Isaac had sworn that was it, no more children, but he still ended up pregnant with a boy to Zachary's delight. Now the odds were even with young Joey. The hole had come during the triplets and Luca's teen years. They dug it looking for an old time capsule they had left behind from when they were toddlers. Jackie and Joey had expanded the hole, thinking their older siblings were looking for buried treasure. The capsule never was found but the hole still remained. Stiles rested his old bones with a huff. He wasn't anywhere as nimble and spry as he had been. He got up when he felt he could, groaning at the crack of joints finding their natural spots. Stiles made his way to bed, always on the left side of the bed. The right had always been Derek's, even if he wasn't with him. Stiles smoothed the covers on Derek's side and kissed his fingertips before placing them against the framed picture of Derek. His beloved husband had died only three years ago and the loss never lessened for Stiles. "I still cannot believe you left me, asshole." Stiles grumbled as he eased himself into the bed. He took out his hearing aids and laid back. "I've lived a good life." He whispered as he closed his eyes for the last time.

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