Chapter 13

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Esme Pov

School starts less than a month . I'm so excited!!!! I finally get to interact with other teenagers .But kinda nervous at the same time because its a new state and new school you know... Backing it up just a bit , the whole last week OH MY FUCK it was amazing . We had sex everywhere , the car, backyard, in the closet , the restroom, stores, hell even in a grocery store . I don't know how that happened but it did. Most of the time , wait no let me re-phrase that . The whole entire time he wouldn't allow me to cum. I was so frustrated when he would go downstairs i would run off into the restroom or somewhere to finish myself off. If he would hear me he would get mad and would cuff my hands to anything he touches, and just screw the brains out of me still not being able to release  .You cant even imagine how sore my legs are. I cant wear tight jeans or just any type of long skinny material that isn't stretchy. The only thing that is able to slip on my legs are yoga pants and lose shorts, or even those momma jeans you know the big comfy ones. Yea those. I also feel loose as hell ( the vag for you slow people out there)I gotta go start back up on the gym now again and work out -_- shout out to Justin.

" Esme you have your registration today " my mom speaks up from her room.

" oh . Really ? Isn't' it on Wednesday?" i sit on the counter a wiggle my legs finding a comfortable way for my butt to be positioned

" Esme today is Wednesday "

" No its Sunday" pfft doesn't even know what day it is .

" Child , its Wednesday check the date" she walks out of her room and looks at me, she only does that when she wants to know she is right. i pull my phone out of the cookie jar behind me . Don't judge i leave my phone anywhere . I unlock my screen and check ... So it is Wednesday


" yea oh dumb ass" she rolls her eyes and proceeds back to her room . See told you Justin fucked the brains out of me . I still cant think straight

" Esme , do me a big favor and bring food" my dad speaks up . Coming from he backyard.

" money and keys" he stands there and squints his eyes at me.

" didn't i give you 50 like 2 days"

" dad that was like a month ago " my dad hates giving me money . He knows i wont give back the change. Then my mom walks in

" hey honey" she walks to my dad and kisses him

" hey baby" his mouth attacks her lips while his hand gropes her ass.

" EWH!" i cover my eyes and throw an apple at them. That's gross , my poor eyes.

" Oh grow up Esme " my dad rolls his eyes

" yea whatever give me money and keys for the food" my disgusting father reaches in his pocket for money and keys

" before you do that go to that school and register yourself, well your already registered just go and get the books and whatever else you need" i bounce off the counter and get the keys and money .

" and take Justin with you, I don't like you going alone "

"yes mom" its not like i wasn't gunna take him. I make him go everywhere withe me ;D he has no choice.

" Be safe, and remember who you belong to " my dad and mom say at the same time. I'll explain what that means later on.

I charge for the door and head towards Justin's . I knock on the door and wait a while , i turn my back from the door and look up at the sky. I notice the birds chirping flapping there little wings as fast as they can to move along. i then look down at my shoes , noticing the holes that are forming , the fades its showing. Something warm wraps around my wait and pulls me back. My face is then in front of a door hands on hips breathing down my neck.

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