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The girl turns around. Her face lights up. "Doctor? Is that you?" she asks.

"You bet it is, Miss Tyler!" he replies. They run toward each other. The Doctor hugs her tightly and spins her around. He sets her on the ground and faces me. "Bryan, I'd like you to meet Miss Rose Tyler!" He then regards Rose. "Rose, how are you? How is this remotely possible? We made sure the dimensions were okay after that whole planets-in-the-sky thing!"

Rose giggles. "They're fine, Doctor. It took awhile to get here, though. Turns out there was actually an alternate-dimension Captain Jack. Aromantic, though, so kind of boring. But he works at Torchwood, just like this dimension Jack! I just got him to hot-wire an inter-dimensional necklace thing, and now I'm here! There might be a chance there's tear in the fabric of the universe, though, so that's bummer. Wait, wait, wait. How many times have you regenerated since I last saw you?"

The Doctor throws up his hands. "That's great! Well, aside from the tear Anyway, what're you doing here?" he inquires enthusiastically. She hands the Doctor an envelope. He rips it open, and skims the letter that was inside. He eyes widen with every line read. He looks at Rose and holds her gaze. "You're getting...married? To who?"

"You!" Rose answers. "Remember the Doctor you gave to me? The Doctor that was the result of the meta-crisis? We're engaged! The wedding is in 5 weeks, and you're invited! Your companion can come also!"

The Doctor blinks. "Rose...you do understand I can't go. There's already a tear in the fabric of the universe. If we travel there, the tear will continue to rip and we'll be right back where we were when you were first sent to the other dimension. Besides, we couldn't go even if we wanted to. The TARDIS would die immediately. We'd never be able to return to first-dimension Earth. You of all people know that, Rose," he explains.

Rose's eyes drift to the floor. "Yes. Of course. I knew it was a long shot." She pulls out two chain necklaces with big, round, yellow buttons for charms and sets them on the console. "These are for you guys. If you want to come, just...press one of the yellow buttons. I'll understand if you can't come. It was good seeing you, Doctor. Goodbye." She hits her own button necklace, and, in a flash of blue light, she's gone.

The Doctor and I lock eyes. I can tell he's not okay, so I put my arm around him. "You okay?"

"To be honest? No. But thank you, Bryan, for caring. Anyway...still want to explore New York?" he wonders.

I shuffle my feet. "Yeah. Yes, please."

The Doctor and I walk out of the TARDIS, careful to close and lock the doors this time. We take the elevator to the lobby. We stroll out of the lobby and are greeted by various colors and objects of nature; sky of blue, clouds of white, trees of green and brown, and birds of red and yellow. We catch a cab. "Central Park, please," the Doctor says, passing a 20 to the cabdriver.

It only takes eleven minutes to reach our destination. We thank the driver and get out. In front of us lies the Great Lawn. Next to that, the Arthur Ross Pinetum Playground. At the end of the Lawn is the Turtle Pond. To the right of that is the Shakespeare Garden, the Delacorte Theater, and the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater. "It's beautiful," I whisper in awe.

"Yes. Yes, it is," he agrees. He looks at me. "Shall we?"

I chuckle. "We shall." We playfully link arms and start walking down the Great Lawn. But the whole time, I'm not focusing on the famous city around me. I'm thinking about that girl, Rose Tyler. Obviously, the Doctor was a huge part of her life if she went through the trouble of risking ripping the fabric of the universe. And she must've been a big part of his life, too, judging by how crushed he was that he couldn't go. I just wish there was a way we could go to the wedding without risking anything.

Suddenly, I get an idea. "Doctor!"


"We can still go to the wedding!" I exclaim.

"What? How?" he wonders.

"You know how you created that phone number that lets people call you from anywhere in the universe?"


"What if you made another phone number that lets people call you from anywhere in the universes? If you can do that, maybe Rose can just FaceTime you and it's like we'll be there!" I suggest, hopeful the Doctor will take in consideration my idea.

He scratches his head. "In theory, I could do that. It's not impossible. That's a brilliant idea, actually!" he says. He un-links his arm from mine, and puts both hands on my head. He kisses me hard on the lips, and pulls away with a SMACK! "We should get back to the TARDIS right now! Bryan, you can help!"

"I can?" I ask, shocked at the fact the Doctor would ask me to help him with something so important.

"Of course! It was your idea, after all. Let's go!" he says. He kisses my forehead quickly, and grips my hand. We jog back to the Empire State Building. Once we step inside the elevator, the Doctor sonics it so it goes ultra-fast. The elevator stops with a jolt. We run out of the elevator, and quick-walk to the time machine. I push open the door with the hand that's not being held. The Doctor pulls me toward to the console. He types in a quick command. An iPhone pops out of a slot on the console.

"What model is that?" I wonder.

"Oh, it's an iPhone7S. This TARDIS can produce technology two-to-three generations ahead of current generations. Now, let's get started!"

He attaches the end of an iPhone charger next to the slot on the console. He plugs the cord into the phone. He turns the phone on. When the white screen with the black Welcome To Your iPhone message comes up, the Doctor presses a key, and the screen turns black. When it turns back on, it's already set up. "Bryan, press Alt+14+IDPN," he commands me. I do, and phone screen goes gray with the Apple logo in the middle. It once again turns back on. "Doctor, what did I do?"

He explains, "You pressed Alt+14+IDP. Alt, 14th Code, Inter-Dimensional Phone Number. All you did was convert my current phone number from a universal to an inter-dimensional. I already had the code set, I was just waiting for the right time to use it! Now, let's make a FaceTime call...to another dimension!"

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