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The Doctor stares at me. "How the hell did you get a sonic screwdriver?" he asks.

"I just asked the TARDIS for one, and she obliged," I answer.

"You called the TARDIS a 'she'," the Doctor states.

I blink. "Yeah. The TARDIS is a 'she', right?"

The Doctor marches up to me and kisses me hard on the lips. When he releases, he says, "Oh, you are definitely my boyfriend."

I grin. "So. Out of here?"

"Yeah. And with two screwdrivers reversing the polarity of the portal, it should stay open longer. Let's go!" he says. We aim, and sonic. The ceiling ripples slowly at first, then starts vibrating really fast. The Doctor hoists me up, and I climb through. The Doctor soon appears.

I run my hands through my hair. "That was quite an adventure," I exclaim, really tired.

"Oh, yeah. Quite. Well, we should probably go back to the TARDIS and rest. It's been a long day."

I smirk. "Without you my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again," I reply.

The Doctor rolls his eyes. "Bryan Vincent Pond, no song-play. Come on."

We walk to the door, and I open it. The Doctor exits, and I follow. We stop my the Headmaster's office. I tell him that was an inter-dimensional portal and that we fixed the problem. The Headmaster thanks us. We then make our way out of the front office. The Doctor pulls open the school doors to find at least fifty Cybermen surrounding the school.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I mumble. I look at the Doctor. "Suggestions?"


"Of course." Suddenly, I get an idea. "Got an empty Dalek suit anywhere?"

"Yes, in storage. Why?"

I clap my boyfriend on the back. "Why do you think?" I ask. I sprint into the TARDIS and come out a minute later pushing out a Dalek armor suit. I open it up, and climb inside. "Doctor, hook me in. Cybermen shoot me, I don't die. I shoot the Cybermen, they do die."

The Doctor's mouth is agape. "Bryan, there is no way in hell you are going through with this. I forbid the plan to move forward."

I cross my arms. "Didn't Clara 1.0 do this before?"

"Yes, but that was the Master's doing. Now get out," he commands sternly.

I obey. "What's so dangerous about getting into a Dalek suit?"

"I do hope you're not serious? Bryan, that suit will mess with you. With how powerful it is, it'll get into your head, make you power-hungry. You'll never want to get out. And it'll mess with you, emotionally, too. Only hateful and spiteful words come out of that suit. It doesn't know love and compassion. If you were to say to me "I love you," it would be translated to "I hate you." If you couldn't tell your loved one how you feel, wouldn't you go insane?" the Doctor asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"Doctor, I have you. You're my anchor," I tell him, kissing his cheek. "Now, hook me in." I get back into the Dalek suit.

The Doctor smiles. "Fine. But don't you dare do anything stupid." He connects me the suit so it can read my mind and follow my commands. "I'll be inside the TARDIS so I can spy on you."

I think, Close the suit. It follows my orders.

Um...Go forward. The suit moves forward and bumps into the Doctor. Move toward nearest Cyberman. The suit rolls toward the Cyberman left of the TARDIS. The Cyberman turns toward me. "Identify," it says.

Bryan Pond, I say. But that's not what comes out. What comes out is: "Dalek Dalek." I furrow my eyebrows. Bryan Pond, I repeat. "Dalek Dalek," the suit replies.

The Cyberman points his arm blaster at me. "Prepare to be deleted." It shoots me, but no harm comes to the suit.

I ask, What is the purpose of the Cybermen's gathering at the Coal Hill School? The suits repeats me.

"This school will be deleted in five seconds. Now prepare to be deleted," it says. It shoots me again. No damage.

Why is this school to be deleted?

"We do not answer questions from Daleks. Prepare to be deleted." The shoot is thrice shot, yet I remain okay.

Shoot, I think. A laser beam shoots of the whisk thingy and the Cyberman's head explodes. Shoot every Cyberman. The suit rolls past every Cyberman, shooting them at every passing. There's only one Cyberman left that I need to shoot when someone puts a lock and chain around me. I spin the eyestalk around to find that two Cybermen have completely trapped me. No, no, no! "No! No! No!" the suit screams.

Doctor! "Doc...tor! Doc...tor!" I roll myself to the TARDIS. I command the suit to move forward. It bumps the TARDIS doors five times.

The Doctor opens the door. He looks at me. He puts a hand on the suit. "Oh, Bryan." He sonics the lock, and it opens. The chain falls off. I think, Open. Strangely, nothing happens.

Suddenly, a wave energy runs through the suit. It's as if its repairing itself? The energy wave hits me, and my body's temperature rises. Doctor, what's happening?! "Doc...tor...What. Is. Happening?"

The Doctor stumbles backward. "Oh no. Bryan, my hand touched the suit. Do you know what that means?" he inquires, obviously panicked.

"No," the suit replies.

"It has a sample of my DNA. Bryan, my DNA is coursing through you right now!" the Doctor informs me.

"TimeLords have DNA?"

"Yes! Whenever they regenerate, every cell in their body is rewritten. The genes change, too. We get new DNA after every regeneration. You're about to change!" he explains rapidly.

Suddenly, my arm hair turns a light shade of brown. I pull my hair down to eye level so I can see the color. Caramel brown, too! The Doctor's current genes are replacing my genes! A pain tears through my back. My spine is being shortened! After a painful five seconds, I'm nearly the Doctor's height!


I come up with an idea. I disconnect myself from the armor. I start to concentrate on the body I had before I regenerated. Rust-red hair. Green eyes. 5 feet and 10 inches tall. With another huge burst of energy, I revert back to my first self.

All of a sudden, the suit of armor opens. I quickly get out, and fall into the Doctor's arms. Tears start to drip from my face. I gasp, "I almost...I could've...I nearly turned into you."

The Doctor holds me. "I know. I know. Come on. Let's get inside." We step foot inside, but not even a second after, we hear an explosion. I turn around. The school is on fire.

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