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Chaos reigns around us. The sound of explosions and screams of agony fill the air. "Doctor, what do we do?" I ask.

"This." He turns on the tablet and opens an app. A 3-D holographic image of the city pops up. A bunch of small red dots take up the image. "Every dot is a pod. You have that app on your phone, but that's only for if we lose this. Now, we can zoom in to our current location to see where pods lay and what kind they are. You might want to step forward. A laser pod is right behind you, Bryan."

I cautiously step forward. "Okay, but what's the plan?"

"We have Jessica's sonic pencil now. It probably has an app that can deactivate pods as well as mine. We can amplify the blast radius if we hold the tips of the sonics together and press the triggers at the same time. There will be consequences, though. The buzz will be really high-pitched and loud, so there's a possibility of hearing-loss. But loss of hearing is a small price to pay for saving the whole of humanity," the Doctor tells me.

I smirk. "Doctor, you sound like an army general. It works for you."

"Sorry, now's not the time for flirting. But we still need to get to the TARDIS. Two sonic devices won't be enough for the world. At best, it'll stop every pod in the country. The problem is that there are still those pods surrounding the time machine."

A little hurt, I suggest we deactivate them using the sonics. He agrees. We run back to the TARDIS. I pull out the pencil and sonic the circle of pods around the Time and Relative Dimension In Space. The Doctor snaps his fingers, and the doors open. Careful, we stand one foot away from the machine and hop in. The Doctor plugs in the pencil and screwdriver to the TARDIS console. He types in target coordinates and sets them. "Hold up the sonic pencil, and on 10, press," he demands. I nod.


Questions start forming in my mind.


What if this plan doesn't work?


My own people are out there, dying every second.


This has to work.


I've already been through too much.


I've witnessed and been responsible for the death of many.


My mind won't be able to handle anymore.


I can't believe I'm actually about to do this.


I'm about to save my whole race.


I press down on the eraser, and a buzz louder than I've ever heard pierces the air. Every red dot on the holographic London disappears, and I know we've succeeded. I release the button, as does the Doctor. "Doctor, we did it!" I say.

"Hell yeah we did!" he cheers.

We run to the doors. Before stepping outside, I check my phone. For some reason, I forgot to close the PodTrack app. Three dots are still on the screen. They're...in front of the TARDIS. I look up. The Doctor's foot is almost on the ground. My eyes widen in horror. "Doctor, no!" I cry. I lunge forward and pull the Doctor by his collar into the TARDIS.

I fall forward and slam into the ground. Immediately, a barbed wire net snaps out of the grass below me. It traps me. Every single barb cuts into my skin and blood starts flooding out of me. I hear the Doctor scream. A hum then fills my ears. I hear something breaking out of the ground. A sharp object presses into my back. Just then, with a quick jerk, a needle-thin spike shoots out of my mid-section. The blood flow intensifies. As the abundance of liquids inside of me decreases, my vision gets blurrier. After another ten seconds, all I see is black.

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