The mall

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Okay so here we are. At the mall. I heard Sky_Writes_ yell (cuss word warning) "ROSS GET YOUR LAZY A$$ OVER HERE!!!" Oh gosh.... I knew she was MAD!!!! I saw a fangirl hugging Adam and taking selfies with him!! I thought -Ya know? She seems awfully familiar but nah- Me and Adam headed out when the girl asked me "Hey may you take a pic with me??" I happily agreed!! It was SnapChat and I saw what she wrote and I got the chills....
"This gurl is gonna DIE when I get my hands on her for marrying MY boo!! She is gonna go to hell... 😈😈"
I backed away slowly and ran, ran, and ran... I got in the car breathing hard and I saw Sky_Writes_ her face was as red as a beet. We went back home and Adam dropped off Ross and Sky_Writes_ stormed in and SLAMMED the door.. Me and Adam drove home and "Locked Away" played. Adam starting singing it and I layed my head down on his shoulder and started singing with him when I decided to do a cover when I get back to our house.

----Time Skip cause Locked Away is awesome----

It is 1:00 AM I am doing the cover now

Intro Music

Hey guys Cammy here and I will be doing a cover for "Locked Away" Enjoy!!

If I got locked away and we lost it all today... Would you still love me the same??
If I showed you my flaws and I couldn't be strong tell me honestly... Would you still love me the same??

----Time skipz cause Im to lazy to write down all dem lyrics :/----

My cover is done at 1:34 AM in the morning... Yay... Welp time to go to bed...

Cameran x SkydoesminecraftWhere stories live. Discover now