Welcome my dear friends.

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Beware. Before stepping into my world, and hearing my story, you must know. This story is dangerous. It holds secrets, and will reveal things that you never thought possible. This world is filled with death, drugs, and hardships. A world where some will ignore when others cry no. I would like to think of myself as a kind story teller. I like to make sure that you really are sure of what you are getting into.

You are still here? Well, okay then. Be my guest. Sit down, get cozy, because this story is one hell of a ride.

It started out as a normal morning. All great legends, stories, and tales start out that way, don't they? They always start out with the hero (or heroine, I am not one to be sexist) waking up and going about their daily life. Then, something happens, and they must go on a mission of some sort. It always started with the sun rising, and the hero or heroine opening their eyes. Sometimes, you are not allowed to see that. The storyteller will not allow you to see their eyes open, see the new sun. They start off the story with a sun halfway in the sky, or maybe even a moon. Every time you hear a story starting with a halfway sun or a moon, remember. It started with a sun. Now, I am off topic. You are here for a reason, and who am I to keep you from it? This story, this very one right here, it does in fact start with a sun. Though, this was not a great tale. This was a story of survival, of heartbreak and betrayal. Who knows, I may not even make it out alive to tell you this story. Enough about me though. Let me tell you the story of the day Patrick Stump went missing.

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