Chapter 9

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I'v been running for hours. Rod has been trying to talk to me through the mind-link, but I'v been blocking him out. I'm not going back. Not yet anyway.

I'v been looking for a nice spot to sit and cool off but so far I'v got nothing. I just need a place with a river or pond with trees.

Oh. Found one.

I walked to the river and took a drink, you get thirty if you run for hours.

'Kora, babe, please come back' Rod said in the mind-link

I didn't reply. I blocked him again.

I heard a few paws coming my way. "Rod if that's you I swear to the moon goddess, just leave me be" the paws didn't stop that kept coming.

I turned around and saw the paws were from a fox. Why is there a fox coming towards me.

It wasn't just an ordinary fox though, it was a raiju fox. The raiju went behind a tree and then came a girl, she had long blonde hair and gold eyes with tints of green. "I know you're a bit confused. I'm a raiju shifter, more specifically a fox raiju shifter. I don't mean you harm Kora I just need to talk to you" she said in a calm voice, I could tell she was from England by her accent, but it also sounded slightly Scottish.

"Who are you?" I asked still in wolf form. The girl didn't look surprised at all.

"I'm Matsi, but you can call me Mat if you like"

"Cool name, just call me Kor"

"Pleasure, could you please shift to human form. I'd rather talk to you as humans and not human and animal" well she seems kind of formal.

I went behind a tree, put my clothes back on and went to Mat.

"So... What is it you want to talk to me about?"

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about a greater evil that will be coming soon. You need to get to your pack and warn them. The evil known as Alazar, is after you and your powers. He will not go down without a fight. And you must be ready"

"Wow... A greater evil known as Alazar. I'd find it funny if his name was Salazar" I said laughing a bit

"Kora!!! This is no laughing matter!!! You must get ready and protect your own!!!!! He is after you and will kill anyone that gets in his way!!!!!!!"

My eyes widened "woah.... This must be really serious if you're shouting at me"

"I tend to do that when it's a serious matter that must be dealt with quickly" she took a few breathes trying to calm herself "ok, now please go to your pack they need you as well as your mate and family. They need to know this information"

"Ok, I'll tell them, but not right now I just had a fight with my mate and I'm just here to cool off"

"No, Kora! You shall get off of your lazy but and go sort things out with your mate and then tell them the news I have brought you!!"

"Alright, jeez! I'll go." I started walking but stopped and turned around to look at Mat "hey Mat, do you have a place to stay?"

"Hm? No I don't have a place to stay"

"Would you like to come to my pack and stay?"

"Oh! That would be wonderful!! Come!! Let's go!! You lead the way"

"Ok, just take my hand"


"Just trust me, you're going to like this"

Matsi took my hand and I used my powers to transport us to the living room in the pack house.

"Holy mother of life!!! How on earth dos you do that?!" Mat asked

"Well the best thing about having powers is that you can teleport"

"That is absolutely amazing!!"

"I know"

I heard footsteps running down the stairs and instantly knew who it was.

"Kora?! Where the hell have you been?! I tried mind-linking you but you never answered!! I thought you died!!! Don't ever do that to me again!!!" Rod said coming to hug me

"Nuh-uh! I'm still mad at you so no hug" I turned away from him

"Aw babe! It was just a little fight and I'm really sorry about the things I said, I was only saying it because I wanted to make sure you where safe and protected. I don't want us to fight, neither does my wolf. He literally beat up my brain saying how stupid I was to let you go outside without protection and how stupid I was to start a fight. I know I should treat you like an equal, but I can't help it. I'm an alpha, I get overprotective and I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me" he begged, he literally begged. He was on his knees holding my hands with pleading eyes.

"Alright fine I forgive you" Rod lightened up and smiled "But, you have to do the dishes every day for the rest of your life and you have to buy me chocolate and ice cream every day"

"Done! All sorted! And um... Who is this?" He said pointing to Mat

"Oh this is Matsi, she will be staying here and she has some information, that everyone needs to hear. So...... PACK MEETING IN THE HALL NOW!!!!!!!" I shouted so everyone could hear.



After the two hour meeting we all went to our usual business and Rod got me ice cream and chocolate just like he promised and I happily ate them whilst he done the dishes. Ah... Life is good.

I was sitting in the living room when there was a knock on the door. "I'LL GET IT!!!" I shouted.

I walked up to the door and found..... Oh my gods I can not believe what I am seeing. It can't be possible. I thought...

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