Chapter 9 - Embarrassing Mothers and Batman Boxers

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"Get us a trolley, please Soph?" My mum said chirpily as we wandered through the entrance of Tesco. I, on the other hand, was not in a good mood because my mother had dragged me on her weekly shop to Tesco.

She never drags Sam with her when she goes shopping. Obviously, I'm not the favourite child.

I huffed and reluctantly pulled a trolley from one of the stands where they're kept. My mum strolled in ahead of me, leaving me lumbered with the trolley. I swear she does it on purpose.

"Okay" my mum began, "so I need some washing powder, some floor polish, some toilet rolls..." I zoned out as my mum started rattling through her shopping list, as though I was actually interested.


She dragged to the clothes section first, claiming she wanted some new jeans. Just another excuse to bore me.

"What do you think of these Soph?" She said holding some jeans up to her legs.

"Yeah, great" I said flatly. She rolled her eyes and continued flicking through the rail.

"What about these? Better or worse?" She asked as she held up another pair of jeans. I couldn't really tell the difference.

"They look the same" I shrugged and my mum huffed, probably beginning to regret bringing me shopping with her.

It took her another ten minutes of looking through rails and rails of jeans to find a pair that she liked, and then she went to try them on, leaving me alone and in charge of the trolley.

I wandered aimlessly around the clothes aisles whilst I waited for my mum, occasionally looking at items of clothing but nothing catching my eye.

Well, until I wandered into the men's section, that is.

As soon as I realised I was in the men's section, I went to go back to the ladies when I heard a couple of familiar voices.

"You need some new socks"

"No, I don't"

"Nathan, all your other socks have got bloody holes in 'em"


I peeked around the corner to see Nathan shrugging at his mum as she held a pair of socks up at him. She threw the socks into the trolley and he rolled his eyes at her. I stifled a laugh at his boyishness.

I thought about saying hello, but after seeing my reflection in one of the mirrors - I’d thrown on a pair of leggings with a baggy hoodie over the top, and I had put my glasses on instead of my contacts - I thought better of it

"You need some more boxers as well Nathan" she sighed as she started eyeing up the men's boxers whilst Nathan stood awkwardly behind her.

"What about these?" she said, holding up a pair that had the batman logo on them. Nathan shrugged again so his mum threw them in the trolley along with the socks. Nathan muttered something inaudible under his breath and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

He's too cute.

Okay, enough spying for now, Sophie.

I wandered back over to the changing rooms where my mum was just walking out.

"Took your time" I muttered as she reached me and put the jeans in the trolley. She ignored my comment and started walking off, giving me no choice but to follow her.

I followed her around the aisles, occasionally adding my comments when she said "what do you think of this, Soph?" and "this tops nice, isn't it?”

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