Chapter 27 - Snogging and Stripy Beanies

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"Hello ladies" Callum said as he came and rested his hands on the table that Gabby, Chloe and I were seated at in the canteen.

"You can sit down if you want" Chloe said, gesturing to the seat next to me.

"No, it's fine, I'll only be a minute" he said, brushing off the suggestion, "basically, I'm having a Halloween party next week, you're all invited, it's fancy dress, you know, 'cause it's Halloween but it doesn't have to be scary or anything. you all in?"

We all looked at each other and nodded.

"Yep, we're all in" Gabby told him while a smile.

"Cool" he said, "it'll start around eight, and I've got all the drinks sorted so I'll see you there"

"I'll see you next lesson though" I retorted.

"Alright, whatever" he said, rolling his eyes playfully, "see you later guys"

We replied with a chorus of see you later's as he walked away, probably to go and hand out more invites.

"So what are you and Nathan gonna go as?" Chloe asked me excitedly.


"What are you and Nathan dressing up as for Halloween?" Chloe said as though it was really obvious "Beause you have to have a couples costume, it'll be really cute"

"Chloe, he's literally only just told us about the party"

"Yeah, but I've been planning my Halloween costume for months" she shrugged.

"Me and Jack are going as Fred and Wilma Flintstone" Gabby said casually.

"Have you been planning your costume for months as well then?" I muttered sarcastically, a bit bummed that I suddenly have ten days to find a costume for me and Nathan.

"No, Chloe has"

Well, that doesn't really surprise me.

"We've got IT next, we'll have a look on google for some ideas" Chloe chirped so I nodded.

At that moment, I felt someone sit down in the spare seat next to me. I looked up to see it was my brother. He gave me a sweet smile, making me narrow my eyes suspiciously at him.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"Money" he said, getting straight to the point.

"What for?"


"Er, I gave you two quid this morning for food" I argued, "out of my own money"

"Yeah, I know, I spent it" he shrugged.

"Well, I'm not giving you anymore"

"But I only need, like, a pound" he defended.

"I don't care"

"But I'm hungry" he sighed sadly, bringing out the puppy dog eyes.

"Sam, I'm not giving you any money"

"Here" Chloe piped up, pulling a pound coin out of her pocket ad handing it to him, "have this"

"No, don't give him the satisfaction" I moaned as my brother stood up, a grin now spread across his features.

"Cheers babe" he said to Chloe, giving her a wink before he sauntered away to go buy his food.

Cheeky little bastard.

"Aw, he's a cutie, isn't he?" Chloe cooed, scrunching her nose up.

"Chloe, he just took your money and called you 'babe'" I deadpanned.

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