Chapter 12 - Bad Moods and Bumped Heads

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Today was the day before the concert, and also the day of the dress rehearsal. Luckily, I'd recovered from my flu fairly quickly so my voice didn't sound like a dying frog anymore but I still wasn't sure about how my voice was going to sound when I perform in the concert tomorrow. For the dress rehearsal, everyone who was performing in the concert had to do their piece with the microphones and lighting, kind of like a soundcheck.

So that means Nathan and I had to sing together, in front of the music teachers, crew members, other performers and basically anyone who happened to be listening.

Aren't I feeling ecstatic right now?

We do get out of lessons all afternoon though, which is the pretty good.

Or it would be, if I could just sit here in the main hall all day, and just watch everyone else's performances, rather than actually perform myself.

Distracting me from my thoughts was the arrival of the gorgeous green-eyed sex god himself, waltzing through the doors of the hall.

The same gorgeous green-eyed sex god that I had to sing with.

He spotted me and smiled, meandering through the chairs to my direction.

"Y'alright, Soph?" He asked cheerfully as he sat down next to me.

No, don't sit next to me! I won't be able to concentrate on anything now.

"Yeah, you?" I said politely.

"I'm very good, thanks" Nathan grinned, obviously in a good mood.

That makes one of us.

"You seem happy" I mused. He looked at me and frowned.

"You don't" 

I shrugged.

"You're not menstrual, are you? Cause I can't be bothered with your mood swings all day" He teased, half-joking. I pulled a face at him, "Oh God, you are menstrual, aren't you?" 

"No, I'm not menstrual" I muttered, thinking about how crap it would be if I actually was; I'd have cramps to endure as well.

"Then, what's up?"

I stayed silent for a few moments.

"Do I really have to sing today? I mean, you could sing it, and I'll just sit here and watch" I suggested.

"No, you can't just sit there and watch" he demanded, "You really need to believe in yourself more, you promised me that you would"

That's it, pull the 'promise' card, make me feel bad.

"Yeah, that's easier said than done, Nath" I mumbled. He ignored my comment.

"If you do it today, it'll be easier tomorrow" he argued.

"No it won't" I argued back.

"Soph, trust me, it will" he sighed in frustration, "I've done this before, remember"

"Oh, good for you" I muttered sarcastically.

Before Nathan could come up with his own sarcastic comment, Gabby plonked herself down on the spare seat beside me.

"Mornin’" she chirped.

It seems everyone's in a chipper mood today apart from me.

"I'm really excited to perform..." she continued, obviously talking about her dance.

According to Chloe, Gabby was an amazing dancer so I was quite looking forward to seeing her perform.

"...aren't you?" She finished, turning to me.

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